Now, none….
Selfless heroes…
Sadly gone
Human Rights…
Completely shunned
Pillars of Strength!
Reduced to crumbs…
Four blows struck
Battles begun!………….
From this earthly existence
Nearly 4,000 souls…unjustly flung…….
Comfort compromised
Wide spread panic…uncontrollably on
300,000,000 cry out…In unison………
Strange events is what seem to unite a nation…as One………….
With devastating impacts
Innocence cast aside
And within my ears,…………a new reality rung
Retaliation determined……It’s unavoidable!
Once again,…..Within the sands of times, battle lines…..are drawn
Ultimately,…A fruitless, a shallow victory
Shall be won………..
Won’t change the fact “thou” that
At what was the feet of two captivating,…enchanting siblings
Now lies rubbish…
What seems to be a zillion tons…
One watched…painfully! As her beloved sister collapsed…in agony
A sufferance immeasurably
And she,…She didn’t want to remain standing lonely
So she vowed to join her Twin,…shortly
A duel tragedy indeed…..
One which was also felt and experienced by their distant cousin
Fifth! One side violently removed!
He who……had vowed to protect them…eternally……..
“Huh”,…I guess, so it goes
As forced tightly closed,…nearly 100 pair of struggling eyes
Due to a single,….A lagging blow…
One as determined to be delivered
But was resisted and insisted to rest unruly…Resembling lazy
In a green pasture…Laced with late summer daises
Forever fertilized,…with the souls of mother’s lost….babies……………
In my slumbering dreams, I’ve visited such a place many times
To simply unwind
Only now to be left stand…Numb!
Speechless,…No longer blind to the sight of death and destruction
Just dumb!
Remorsefully knowing
What has come to past……..
Shall always…………………………….…….remain done