2013 Submission.jpg
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While a student at the International Center of Photography (I.C.P.) in New York, as an assignment for a class, I headed over to the World Trade Center to do a series on motion and movement. I chose to photograph the revolving doors at the WTC. This was around 1991. I was still shooting in film and after I've processed the film, I realized that the series of photos were over-exposed. Because of limited darkroom hours during class, printing these images were a bit tedious and time consuming and I opted not to print them. The film negatives were set aside and kept in an archival folder.

Then 9/11 happened.

I remembered the negatives and pulled them out from the archives and digitally scanned them in. There are 6 photographs in this series. With the use of photoshop, I adjusted the curves and contrast. Other than that, no image manipulation was made. To my surprise, ghostly images appeared! But these figures were from the daily hustle and bustle traffic at the World Trade Center.

I dedicate these images to honor those who perished at the World Trade Center terrorist attack on 9/11.