Election Ballot Figure 1.JPG
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In 2006, I received a United States Patent for a Ballot System and Method Adopted for Optical Scanning Patent Number 7,021,539. In 2002, I needed names of candidates on the Sample Ballots which I submitted to illustrate the patent. I chose to use Eric “Rick” Thorpe who was my classmate at Lafayette College Class of 1989. I do not recall many close interactions with Eric, but since we both received degrees in Economics and Business, we must have had some classes together. I also picked Neil Levin, Executive Director of the PANYNJ. who was the second alum from Lafayette College killed in the Towers. Fellow alumni from Syracuse University College of Law were Joanne F. Weil and Laurence M. Polatsch. Eric and Neil are running from the Patriot Party in homage to the Patriot League, of which Lafayette College is a founding member. Joanne and Laurence are from the Eagle Party as in “Legal Eagles.” Of course “patriots” and “eagles” also have the usual connotations of America and feelings associated with the attacks. Al Gore and George W. Bush were used because problems with the contested 2000 Presidential election were the inspiration for the patent.