The twins stand tall and majestic
As they rise to kiss the sky gigantic;
Their siblings mimic their gestures, beaming -
Their playground’s alive and teeming.

Hatred and love are made manifest;
Life and death have kissed,
Steel girders and beams fret;
The giants are no longer erect.

The earth and sky collide;
To them invincibility is denied
As twisted metal tumble
Into one gigantic rubble.

Man’s inhumanity bares its chest,
Bravery and courage are put to the test;
Defiance and triumph rise from the ash,
Victims of hate disintegrate in a flash.

While to the dust they return,
Anger and sorrow in our hearts burn;
Calls for vengeance rise in harmony:
Revile the violators and their crony.

Hope stands tall, stoic and grand;
Up from the dust rises a mighty hand
As fear is overshadowed
And God comforts the widowed.

Aeon L. Mitchell

Details -

This poem was written on 9/11/2001 in reaction to the destruction of the majestic Twin Towers.