The Sentinel09/18/12 ©Leona M SeufertLike an oak from an acorn it grewHigher and higher until it towers over its sisters.A giant among the giants That stand guarding this sacred ground.It speaks silent words in the nightThat only those who have lost deeply can hear.Words that fall on earsLike water drops tumbling into a bottomless pool.The sun glints off its skinAt night, lights capture its ethereal presence.Standing tall through all watches,A modern Greek Colossus tasked with protecting lost souls.From whence did you comeYou rascacielo - scraper of the sky?From memories of the twins,Their legacy of which you are tasked to carry on.Watch over us, mighty one,Sentinel of all that is holy and hallowed below.Let your strength be our strengthAs we walk beneath you through the coming years.You are WTC 1, half of what once was.You embody our dreams, hopes and fears for a future not yet formed.

You stand as a testament that we will never forget.You are the Freedom Tower, 1776 feet of steel and glistening glass.

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