Unbreak My Heart08/03/10 ©Leona M SeufertThe clock is ticking, the time is passing;The days are rushing to another end.I hold your picture, see you smiling,A ghost to break another night’s repose.Unbreak my heart, Oh Lord, how long must the darkness surround me?Unbreak my heart, please wake me from this horrid dream.The wound reopens, the memories bleedingThe years have not stopped the agony of my soul.I see you walking, hear you talkingTo vanish when the morning sunlight hits my eyes.Unbreak my heart, Oh Lord, why hasn’t time healed me?Unbreak my heart, please let me see him just one more time.The names are read, the thousands mourning.The minutes tick off yet another day.I stand there crying, where are you lying?You have gone and faded away.Unbreak my heart, Oh Lord, when can I accept this?Unbreak my heart, please let him rest in peace.

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