America's Heroes

September 11, 2001, what seemed like an ordinary day
Burned images into my mind that will forever stay
Of planes departing airports with passengers and crew
Unknown aboard among them a misguided and twisted few

Destruction with honor they were taught would bring a gloried fate
Armed with cutters...and the deadliest of weapons...hate
There cannot be rhyme or reason that anybody's God
Would honor them for massacre in their so called Jihad

Four planes were hijacked one by one...three their targets found
One would hit the Pentagon...two brought the World Trade Center down
Devastation strikes the nation...horror beyond belief
A country crystalized with shock...that soon gives way to grief

By visions of airplanes piercing buildings as though they were made of paper
By visions of the classic skyline of a city now obscured by vapor
By visions of victims faced with burning alive who instead chose to plunge to their grave
By visions of rescue workers becoming victims in their valiant attempts to save

A fourth plane crashed into a's target still unknown
Because the passengers would not yield...can greater courage be shown
No one could have been more one knows the lives they saved

They faced fear in the sky
By looking terror in the eye
With no time to ask or wonder why
Knowing they were about to die
Here is where true honor lies

We can only wonder if you or I would have done the same

By God would honor this!

So with rhyme I have found reason for us to stand and fight
To honor those brave Americans who perished in this plight
To honor people from everywhere who have felt the sting of terrorism...

...God Bless America's Heroes

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