Jesus and firemen.jpg
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As everyone else in the world was I was and still am heartbroken by the events which occurred that day. While I personaly did not suffer a loss I know a few who did. My daughters were friends with two sisters. My daughters had been friends with these two sisters since the older two were in kindergarten. They had many sleepovers at my house and thru that I became close with their mother. Their father was a ny city fireman. He lost his life that terrible day. I gave this painting to the family, to help them through this terrible time.
I was inspired to create the piece because of the song by Creed "With open arms". The song made me think of Jesus welcoming the firemen into heaven. I later came to find out the song was about the singer finding out he was to have a child. Either way I was inspired.
I was also inspired by a photo in the ny times magazine of firemen walking down the street.