Lifeline 1 - Small Copy Web.JPG
Details -

Painted September 2011 the tenth anniversary. I cannot find words to describe this painting. That must be left for the individual looking at this piece of art. There is an old saying the artist is only the messenger in this case that is so very true. To deep to complex that is all I can say.

I have been asked to put my thoughts into words quite a few times of late so I have tried, I am not a writer as you no doubt will see.

The unseen forces of Love/Good, Evil/Hate, Time/Life the forces we do not really understand came together on 9/11.
Evil may have set the wheels in motion for that awful day a hundred a thousand a million years ago we just do not know.
Evil has the time evil has endless patience evil waits on 9/11 evil sprung the trap and did its evil.
And there all the time was Love/Good wrapped around everybody, everything holding, loving, caring unbroken never to be broken.
The little painting is Love/Good holding, loving, caring it’s saying the one thing evil does not understand. The Lifeline of Love can never be broken.