
Adele Carcano-Age 12, April 2014

I looked down; there were many little creatures.  I could

also feel them inside of me.  My twin had them crawling in

his veins too.  I could see him smiling, watching the

creatures in interest.  Everything was going well.  In the

distance I could see other objects: my neighboring

buildings, a long stretch of blue, and a plane.  I moved my

eyes down to the third floor and looked inward.  The small

creatures now looked huge. They were looking at me,

through me, through my windows, right at the plane, which

now seemed closer.  I turned myself around and moved back

up to level 91.  I could see my twin looking at me. 

Something wasn't right.  The plane was moving closer.  He

seemed to be yelling, yelling for the human controlling the

plane to stop, but as we know, the humans cannot hear us. 

The creatures, the humans, on the bottom level of my halls

were rushing out of my body.  I could hear screams.  I

looked at my twin.  He looked back at me with a sad smile. 

I knew this couldn't be good.  The plane was now yelling at

us, telling how sorry he was and how he couldn't control

himself.  He grew bigger and bigger until suddenly, he

smashed into my twin.  I wanted to scream, but the humans

who made me wouldn't allow this, they wouldn't even allow

me to move.  I had to watch as my brother burst into flames

and fell.  The creatures were jumping off me, squirming

inside of me, and holding each other, it was all chaos. 

Then I looked back into the long stretch of blue, and saw

another plane heading straight for me.  I waited, thinking

about the little creatures trapped inside of me, unable to

escape. But then, the plane hit me and I saw no more.

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