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This line drawing features Brian Clark, in a stylized cartoon form. This is him in an animated, alternate universe that will be in a series of animated films I want to make.
Since he is in cartoon form, he has four fingers on his right hand, as traditionally depicted in cartoons. However, his left hand has five. This is because in the alternate universe, they utilize the same numeric system as we do, where increments of 5 & 10 are frequently used, & as in our reality, he holds the same position in the same occupation at Euro Brokers, & at the World Trade Center. They still use open outcry in the brokerage firms & similar financial institutions, which requires hand signals. They need at least one hand with five fingers. Most of the sentient beings in this cartoon universe have four fingers, so if they do & are training to become a trader, they must eventually have one of their hands replaced with a genetically engineered five fingered hand. Other careers that require at least one five fingered hand, such as guitarists, obtain them also. He wears a glove over his trade hand, because on his in particular, the skin on it has a mild, irritating reaction to the markers used to write quotes on the dry erase board on the trading floor. On his right hand, he wears his Jose Marrero WTC memorial bracelet, & bears a small scar on the outer edge of his palm, where the nail penetrated his hand, shortly before he rescued Stanley Praimnath. He is gesturing with that hand, as he talks. He is saying one of his actual quotes, "Understand who you are, & that you are capable of great things", which is not only an integral message of faith in one's self, but also emblematic of his optimism, & it is on a comic book style talk bubble. Below his right hand, is a silhouette of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center above a symbol that represents the past, present, & future, also two eyes, with a third eye in the center, representing intuition. The time aspect represents the Twin Towers place in history, & Brian Clark's place in history, along with his evidently great intuition. On the left side, another actual quote of his, "You & I will be fine with the fullness of time", which is the message he received from his afterlife visitation from Jose Marrero, & something we should all keep in mind, when stressed. Below that, is his name in the trade language of the alternate reality, which is digraphic. English can be written in the trade language alphabet, &The language can be written in English. Below this, is the red maple leaf of the Canadian flag, symbolizing his home land of Canada, which he is evidently fond of, since he has a Canadian flag outside his house. Further down, there is two phrases surrounded by a border that is reminiscent of a comic book style thought cloud, written in the trade language, but in the English alphabet. It reads, "Glo Gogo De Mythra" & "Glo Gogo De Fraternawyn", which translates to "The hand of compassion" & "The hand of brotherhood". The first phrase refers to his great sense of compassion, & his right hand, which had the injury he made the blood brother covenant to Stanley Praimnath with & the second phrase refers to the blood brotherhood between he & Stanley Praimnath, their close friendship, & how it serves as a real symbol of how two unrelated individuals can become best friends when you least expect it to happen.