Poem by Leslie Benisz Note; (For many years in Vancouver, Canada since Sept 11th, 2001 it generally rained in Vancouver, which is a rainy West Coast city to begin with, so that's where I got my inspiration for this poem and also the 9/11 hadn't been built yet at the time I wrote my peom).

Sept Rains

It didn't always rain in September

but it does now

year after year after year after year.

The pouring raindrops are the tears of angels which soak the streets and the people who are oblivious to the sadness of Sept 11th. That day has never been forgotten by the angels who cry or their loved ones on still on earth. They are always looking up towards Heaven hoping to see a familiar face smiling down at them and saying, "I will always love you". But the only thing that touches them are the tear drops from the sky, washing away all the evidence that filled the streets for weeks afterwards. The only proof that is left from that horrific day is when people in New York City look up to see an empty void where the twin towers once stood and the hopes and dreams of the people who worked inside were senselessly obliterated and came down in dust and flames. September 11th is a day that may eventually be forgotten many years from now, but the September rains will always arrive on schedule year after year after year after year.

Details -

My poem of the Sept 11th tragedy.