world trade center towers b.jpg
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I sketched the design for this piece a day or two after 9/11, with a plan of doing a series of eleven of them, all colored and done differently but same design. This was #4. I managed to make seven of them before I had to pull out of the galleries and pack up my art career as the art sales spiraled down the drain. I call it Looking Up for two reasons; 1) when I was in Manhattan in '98, I'll never forget standing at the front doors of the WTC and looking straight up the face of it, with the other tower coming into view up high. I took a picture also, and that is what I drew my sketch from. From there I turned it into a steel wall sculpture, heat colored with a torch. 2) Such a dark time for all of us, all we could do is keep Looking Up and ahead for brighter days.
Fourteen years later, I am finally in the shop again making steel wall sculpture, and look forward to making a followup 9/11 piece.