Out of 911 came a cloud of grief
For as time does pass us by, we do have a strong belief
No matter what has happened in New York City we would say
In our heart is sadness, but happiness can come our way
Even it was so despicable to have such a view
Their was nothing we could do
For this chaos that was dropped into our lives
Knowingly the pain you have , you hear from countless cries
From this horror , came so much stress
So many became so helpless
We may look like we were paralyzed
But they are blind in their eyes
The major clean up that was caused
So many states did volunteer, they came without a pause
Millions of pieces that were made
In our minds and our thoughts it shall fade
Many sacrificed their lives to save others, with outstanding courage
We shall always show our homage
For the triumph we shall gain
To make it with a stronger defense is our aim
Never let yourself become weak,
For the the strength you have, you won’t have to seek
Just like a puff of smoke the Cloud of Grief
Would no longer last, which brought peaceful relief
By Seymour Berger

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