
It was disaster in the air
As the people they would stare
It was a tragedy, to behold
As the story would unfold

For two planes when they took flight
With two towers in their sights
To go up in such a flame
For its terror is a shame

As it blackened the whole sky
And we stood and wondered why
How a zealot could be bred
And the evil he would spread

As the buildings they fell down
Trapping people on the ground
Through the smoke and through the ash
There’s a question we would ask

Is our country not as safe?
As we witnessed what took place
Should we stop it at our borders?
Could Americans give the orders?

Yes, we are a melting pot
Is it time we should say stop?
We must question and ask why
So a terrorist can’t get by

There is time enough to spend
For our country to defend
A longer look at what’s in store
For whom we let upon our shores.

By Albert Santavicca

Details -

ode to the disaster