A Tear of Tears

Does show your true feelings

Different things that happen in our lives

Which is very upsetting and not pleasing,

Walking through life seeing the light of day

Not even thinking about it

Tragedy may come your way

For no one does really know

About your hurt and pain doesn’t always show

You look into a mirror and say

Will happiness and joy, may happen today?

You get a sudden shock from being notify

Some one very close to you has just died

Your emotions are shown with a tear of tears

Like on 911 was a tremendous blow

Came on the breaking news that cause a flow

Of many tears ,that our eyes filled up with

You may say to yourself when it does hit It’s very difficult to accept to you or me

But it does become a reality

You look at the sun

Thinking in your mind, beyond your control that was done

Now you can you get inner peace

Never the less at the unpleasant time it won’t be release

Your memory holds everything in

That misfortune that has been

During a conversation it can be brought up, terrible things

Will bring on a tear of tears that shows your true feelings

By Seymour Berger

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