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New Pair Of Wings In Heaven ( A 9/11 Tribute)
Written and Performed by Eddie Lee Groves

There were two men with different dreams
One would fight fires, the other crime in the streets
They proudly served their community well
And on September eleventh they both got the call
They both went, they both gave their all
The day that New York City turned into Hell.

Chorus 1:
Now they’re out there flying around cloud nine
They shoot past the moon through space and time
Like some Starship in some science fiction show
I know they look down on us every now and then
And takes back off with a big old grin
Their just having fun with their new pair of wings in Heaven

There was a boy straight out of High School
On September 12th he knew what he had to do
He join the Army to even up the score
Fighting for freedom and our way of life
He made the ultimate sacrifice
Like so many before him
In times of war
Chorus 2:
Now he’s out there flying around cloud nine
He shoots past the moon through space and time
Like some Starship on some science fiction show
I know he look down on us every now and then
And takes back off with a big old grin
He just having fun with his new pair of wings in Heaven

Hero’s live on forever, they never die
And I thank them for giving me a better way of life

Recorded at Warp Drive Studios, Locust Creek, KY USA
Eddie Lee Groves: All Vocals and Instruments
Copyrighted 2016
Eddie L. Groves (BMI)
Big Lunch Publishing (BMI)