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Designed by Firefighter and Sculptor David Christiana of Rutland, Massachusetts for the Town of Westford, Massachusetts. The Memorial honors all of Massachusetts Heroes who were killed during the attacks of that September 11th day. The Memorial stands about 7 feet tall. A granite pentagon base in memorial to the Washington DC heroes, sits in a bed of Green Sea Glass representing the Fields in Pennsylvania. On top of the pentagon is a large granite column signifying the strength of our people. At the top sits a beam from World Trade Center 2. It is a small piece of beam. The beam looked like a flame, rusted orange and brown, so the beam is surrounded by stainless steel flames, when put together looks like an eternal flame and the Liberty flame, forever protective. On the side of the column is a bronze high relief sculpture by David Christiana of the Twin Towers with an American Flag waving behind and 92 names of the Massachusetts Heroes lost that day, each letter of each name hand stamped in the clay.

7 Feet Tall