Patriotic song written in 2001 by Charles L Byrge, (dob 5-20-1939)
of 8423 Cherokee Trail, Crossville,Tn 38572.


Up in New York City, nine- eleven zero-one,
Evil rose among us and brought down a great icon.
They crashed planes there and in P-A and over at the Pentagon
Many people died that day but our freedom still lives on.

'Cause freedom is a spirit that gets down in your soul
Since seventeen hundred seventy-six it's a great thing to behold.
America earned the right to have it and never will let go
Cause freedom is a spirit and it's down in our soul.

Hijacking a religion and then hijacking planes,
Misguided brainwashed terrorists tried to set our world in flames.
As they killed they praised their god , but it was a hellish blow-
They may have a god from the land of Nod but it ain't the God we know.

One plane was bound for the capitol in the heart of the Home of the Brave
When heroes learned of the death threat and chose a different grave.
They fought off the attackers and when that big plane fell,
Heroes went to heaven and the attackers straight to hell.

Chorus (somewhat different):
And our freedom is God given , it's a spirit in our soul
Like the spirit of 1776 it's a great thing to behold.
America earned the right to have it and never will let go;
'Cause freedom is a spirit that gets down in your soul.

They claim hate as a holy right and cause demonic war
But thank God the enemy learned: Freedom's-worth fighting for.
We will not bow to the ways of hate, the world's greatest disease
We get our strength from the God of Love who can bring eternal peace.

When America is united and most of us agree 
We'll be a beacon giving hope for people to be free.
Evil do'ers may succeed if they are left alone
But in God we trust and know we must keep freedom marching on.

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Patriotic song/ poem