The big strike will never happen why not
Whether it may be Russia, Red China and North Korea will never find in what we got
President Trump will not push the button first
No one can conquer their done before they start it would go into reverse
For the power we have is beyond any ones’ expectation
No other power can’t destroy any other nation
That would cause self-destruction on themselves
The freedom and staying alive would ring out in the bells
It would be very clear in their dictator mind
You can’t take the lives of mankind
For that dictator he would become a cloud of dust  
And so, would his country and his people for having his trust
No matter, he or she that thinks they could conquer the world
Because they sit in the chair of power and give it a twirl
They may think twice trying this would be the biggest mistake
Thinking my life and people with this crazy thought you must forsake
For the powers above is the main judge as to what may come
Any dictator that is the same as Osama bin Laden, Mussolini and Hitler
Their number is up they are done

By Seymour Berger  

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