They penetrated our homeland, how could this be, that America the beautiful, could suffer such a tragedy,Will we ever recover, will we ever bounce back; do we have what it takes, to survive such an attack?Will we lie down and die or will we stand up and fight, will we allow them to rob us of our freedom like a thief in the night?These are all the emotions felt across America that day, the day that our enemies tried to destroy the American way,But as one America we came together differences set aside, as one America we painfully watched as a piece of America died,As one America we suffered, a loss so very deep, no matter the race, color or creed, we came together as one America to weep,In the face of fear we stood united, as one America we stood strong, our enemies thought we would crumble but they judged America wrong,When tragedy struck our Nation, we showed courage in the face of fear; they made a grave mistake when they chose to bring the fight here,No matter the tactics used, we will NEVER surrender or retreat, because the spirit of America is not something that our enemies can defeat,Bruised but not broken, America will stand, GOD BLESS AMERICA, GOD BLESS THE PROMISE LAND.

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Poem depicting the strength, courage, unity and perseverance of Americans in the wake of 911