New York City in the past was called New Amsterdam

Also called Mannahatta meaning heavenly land

By an Native American tribe

As time marched on it greatly thrived 

In 1524 Giovanni da Verrazzano discovered New York Harbor

He was never a called martyr

In 1626 Peter Minuit bought the Island of Manhattan from Native Americans

For $24 in beads and trinkets did purchase the land ,is now like priceless gems

Rediscovered by Henry Hudson named after him Hudson River

It was on this river pilot Sully saved 150 lives ditched the plane and didn’t quiver

In the year 1664 was named New York City called the Big Apple, City that Never Sleeps

Population in the millions worldwide fame it keeps

New York City has history beyond your imagination

Also the financial capital city of this nation

This city grew into a giant of a place

No matter what religion and race

You maybe, everybody is equal here  

A lot of various languages that does catch your ear

In 2001 when 911 happen , lives and Twin Towers were lost

New York City is here to stay, no matter what was the cause

By  Seymour Berger


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