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The following is the story of how “We Are America” was created. On September 15, 2001, Mark arrived home to find a poem and letter on his doorstep that were from Kevin Benson, who had recently did work at his home. Kevin’s letter asked if Mark could find it in his heart to write a song with the poem he had written. Mark read the poem and immediately went to work. He wrote the music, added some of his own lyrics, and two days later “We Are America” was recorded. Kevin came to Mark’s home to listen and was moved to tears after hearing the song they both created. Without hesitation, Kevin took out his checkbook and gave Mark a blank check to do the artwork and make one thousand copies of the single. Kevin sent them to everyone he could think of. He mailed and delivered CD’s to radio stations, talk shows, politicians, V.F.W. posts, fire and police stations, schools, etc. Before long their phones began to ring requesting additional copies and asking for live performances. From that point on, they became very busy aiding and performing at charitable events. Mark was singing at multiple police, military, and school benefits throughout Southern California. Not only was there a local response with newspaper articles, CNN, FOX News and several local radio stations were so moved that they broadcasted portions of “We Are America” for their viewers.

Like most Americans, Mark felt that he needed to do something after the events of September 11th. He and Kevin were both moved and had inspired each other to compose this song. Kevin and Mark are just two regular hardworking men who deeply love their country. They will never forget the events of that day nor forget all the innocent people that paid the ultimate price. Mostly, they wish to thank those personnel who have dedicated their lives to serving and protecting our beautiful country.