
Those were her tennis shoes and
the racket she used
in her much-loved tournaments
before she left for her office.

That was his golf club, many a Sunday engaged
in the game he’d excel at, even more
than the financial wins
gained at the office.

Here are his baseballs, some signed
with beloved field heroes’ ink,
the same ones that were tossed
by his capable arm towards his son’s swinging bat,
to be hit higher than the stocks
sold in his office.

This is the latest display,
the glass-encased collection made
of the competitive ways that they played
outside of the office.

These were their favoured sports, their choicest pastimes
before time stopped for them,
before skydiving became
the new form of recreation –
from right out of
the office windows.


Inspired by the 9/11 Museum’s September 2018 exhibit of victims’ sports memorabilia


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