The Heir


                              I am the heir of courageous men

                   Who decided to fight for a country to call their



                        I am the heir of hopeful and broken people

                        Who decided to stay in a country not their



                      I am the heir of brothers who fought each other

       Who decided their country belonged to them, and not the other to



               I am the heir of heroes who fought in countless battles

      Who decided our sovereignty should be protected, and entirely our



                   I am the heir of righteous men and women marching

      Who decided that justice should be equal, and rights deserved their



                                   I am the heir of healing mothers

     Who decided that wrongs could be righted, and hearts uplifted for their



                       I am the heir of the air I breathe in this country

Who decided to recognize that all I am, I owe through heritage I call my 

                                                       very Own.


          I am the heir, an American, a person from a land of imperfections

  Who has decided a voice, loud and proud, can cite exceptional triumphs.

                                        Who will not be silenced.

                              Whose words will not be suppressed.

                         Whose religious beliefs will not be scoffed.

                       Who will stand for justice when injustice is rife.

                Who will fight with sweat and blood for the soul of a nation,

            In pursuit of the sweet, sweet bounty that freedom has brought,

                                            As God is my witness.


                      For the price of liberty is too high a price to pay,

                         If we lose the country I am proud to call my



                                                     I Am Heir.


                                                                                                 ~d.lawrence                                                                                                            2/19/21


Details -

This poem is about what it means to be an American. Especially when we are so divided as a nation be it because of race, socio-economic or political affiliation. It is an attempt to remind us that we are all one, under one banner and flag. The words depict the historical struggles we have come through to make that so and celebrating the wrongs we have righted. We are united in commonality of wanting a country to call our own and to fight for the freedoms we've attained to keep that so, regardless of where we come from.  

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