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I had a faith healing experience in early 2009, what some might call an NDE, where I was told Jesus Christ was healing my illnesses because of my mother's years of prayer and my best friend's prayers. I was told to have faith I was being healed and I did, and I got well. That was a miracle! Afterwards, I continued having memories and visions flow forth of meeting Jesus and God the Father, visiting heaven, seeing my loved ones, some of the angels and saints, and of some of my friends & coworkers from Fiduciary Trust Company Int'l, who perished on 9/11/01 in 2 WTC. I worked there with them from 1995-2001.

*Note: I call them visions because they appear in front of me like a hologram; not in my head. I'm seeing two worlds at once.

One such memory/vision occurred on 9/11/16:

My last church in Conshohocken, PA held an outside worship service—what they called Rally Day. The service was held outside in hopes of engaging the community and having them come and join us.

Our Pastor at the time, Pastor Jose "Ricky" Ayala gave the sermon and I was a member of the praise band. We sang five songs during the service.

At one point, we were singing the song Good, Good Father, by Chris Tomlin. I was singing with passion to the sky, to our Father, slightly teary-eyed, when the memory/vision began.

The sun was in my eyes, but amidst the clouds, I saw the images of Jesus, Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel, and others. They are the three I remember ascending to heaven with me. I was being told ‘the others’ were my friends and coworkers who perished on 9/11/01, because as usual, I had been thinking about them all day. I would later paint this vision you see here. Jesus’ face was the most prevalent in my vision and Michael’s and Gabriel’s faces were visible, but the others were mostly bright white lights with wings. I painted in the faces of some of the people I felt God was showing me were there.

What a blessing that was. That is how much God loves us—loves me—that He would let me vision my FTCI coworkers who perished on 9/11/01 on 9/11/16, when I was singing to Him. That was another miracle in and of itself!

I hope my story and painting give others hope that our loved ones are in heaven and are doing okay.

-Janice Reck
