SEPTEMBER 11, 2001

If one might alter the course of time…
Reset all clocks back to reflect yesterday.
Perhaps we could erase the crimson stain upon this hour—
Deny the terrorist attacks, exploding planes, engulfing flames,
In denial, we command them…
Suspended indelibly in those New York moments,
Time stood still.
Twin World Towers, mortally wounded, tumbled from the sky.
Midst the disbelief and anguish of the wounded, dying, dead…
The looming question,
Know this:
History shall guard her victims well…
Mark them as beloved.
Zealously set their time and place.
In each mind and heart, a litany of their virtues will be inscribed.
Compassion, honor, duty, self-sacrifice, love…
Reflected in the shining memory of each face.
The world in abject mourning weeps:
Whispers "sleep well, honored loved ones, sleep”.
We carry the banner of your courage and sacrifice onward;
It is a vow of eternal vigilance we keep.


Dolores E’nama

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