Exhibit Examines Post-9/11 World Trade Center Ironworkers
Exhibit Examines Post-9/11 World Trade Center Ironworkers

A new exhibit on the 67th floor of 4 World Trade Center explores the legacy of Mohawk Ironworkers who were involved in post-9/11 rescue efforts and the rebuilding of several World Trade Center buildings.
The temporary exhibit, titled “Skywalkers: The Legacy of the Mohawk Ironworker at the World Trade Center,” is available from Feb. 4 to March 12, 2015 and is hosted by Silverstein Properties and 4 World Trade Center. It consists of 30 portraits of ironworkers taken by artist Melissa Cacciola, who photographed the workers using a 19th-century historic process called tintype.
The 9/11 Museum’s collection contains several artifacts related to the ironworkers who helped build the original World Trade Center after plans were publicized during the 1960s. Among them are two construction site-issued thermoses that ironworkers donated as mementoes of their tenure on the project.
Public viewings of the exhibit are available by appointment Thursdays through Saturdays from noon to 6 p.m. To make an appointment, email skywalkersexhibit@gmail.com.
By Jordan Friedman, 9/11 Memorial Research and Digital Projects Associate
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