Help Preserve Memories
Help Preserve Memories

9/11 Memorial Museum curators need your help. They are calling on those who best knew the victims of the 2001 and 1993 attacks to help build a special museum exhibition. The In Memoriam exhibition, which honors the lives of the 2,983 victims, will feature personal remembrances recorded by those closest to the men and women killed on 9/11 and in 1993.
To collect these oral histories, dedicated recording days will be held April 10-12 at the 9/11 Memorial Preview Site, 20 Vesey St. Appointments with 9/11 Memorial Museum oral historians are available from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily and may last between 30 minutes and an hour.
These recordings are deeply important, and each becomes part of the museum's permanent collection. Reserve an appointment with an oral historian by calling 212.324.6500. or emailing
By 9/11 Memorial Staff
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Sept. 11 Relief Group Builds Home for Wounded Marine

Beginning early today, nonprofits H.E.A.R.T. 9/11 and Purple Heart Homes worked together to build a home for wounded Marine Cpl. Manny Jimenez in Glastonbury, Conn. About 40 volunteers from organizations including NYPD, FDNY and New York City trade
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Naval Ships Are Built in Honor of Sept. 11 Victims

“We are shipbuilders. We remember.” These humble words etched on a dedication placard appear at the center of this handsome commemorative wreath recently gifted to the 9/11 Memorial Museum. Ingalls Shipbuilding, a leading manufacturer of warships th