Sept. 11 Relief Group Builds Home for Wounded Marine
Sept. 11 Relief Group Builds Home for Wounded Marine

Beginning early today, nonprofits H.E.A.R.T. 9/11 and Purple Heart Homes worked together to build a home for wounded Marine Cpl. Manny Jimenez in Glastonbury, Conn. About 40 volunteers from organizations including NYPD, FDNY and New York City trade unions banded together to help.
The goal is not just to build a home, but to help rebuild the life of American hero Jimenez, a war veteran, wounded on a tour of duty in Afghanistan. Read more about Jimenez and see video at
By Bennett Elliott and Robert Kolodny, H.E.A.R.T. 9/11
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The Lens: Viewing the 9/11 Memorial

Staff photographer Amy Dreher snaps a lot of pictures at the World Trade Center site, documenting the construction progress. Amy also trains her lens on the smaller pieces that may be overlooked with a project of this magnitude. Through “The Lens: Viewing
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Help Preserve Memories

9/11 Memorial Museum curators need your help. They are calling on those who best knew the victims of the 2001 and 1993 attacks to help build a special museum exhibition. The In Memoriam exhibition, which honors the lives of the 2,983 victims, will f