Interactive 'Lady Liberty' a Web Pick of the Week, deems Communications Arts
Interactive 'Lady Liberty' a Web Pick of the Week, deems Communications Arts

The 9/11 Memorial Museum’s interactive Lady Liberty, an educational tool and a piece of Sept. 11 history, has been recognized as the "webpick of the week" by Communications Arts, which is touted as the premier showcase of the current best in “design, advertising, illustration, photography and interactive media.”
Lady Liberty was developed for the memorial museum by California-based Archetype. The interactive design and engineering firm is currently developing a dynamic, interactive 9/11 timeline with powerful images and Sept. 11 recordings for the memorial museum. The timeline will go live to the public soon.
According to the Communications Arts, Lady Liberty "brings to life a fiberglass replica of The Statue of Liberty, currently placed at the 9/11 Memorial Preview Site (20 Vesey St.)."
Visitors can browse through and zoom into high-res images of condolence notes, photos, uniform patches and other tributes. Each story is highlighted inside a window that contains additional views or media that visitors can pan and zoom into to explore details. In addition, artifacts are highlighted using exact coordinate placement and always placed in the proper context and position, the online report said.
The nav is dynamic carousel that allows visitors to get a holistic view of the site’s content and quickly browse through snapshots of the artifacts. Selecting any of the specific artifacts navigates to the more detailed views.
By Michael Frazier, Director of Communications for the 9/11 Memorial
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Click "Like" Now to Join 9/11 Memorial's New Facebook Page (Update)

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