Gamboa Brandhorst Family

Learn about Daniel Raymond Brandhorst, Ronald L. Gamboa, and their son David Reed Gamboa Brandhorst below, and leave a tissue-paper flower at their names on the 9/11 Memorial. Panel S4.

Names arrangement by grouping
The Brandhorst Family
Denise A. Kelly in Memory of The Brandhorst Family

The Gamboa Brandhorst family lived in Los Angeles, California, and were vacationing in Maine and Massachusetts in September 2001. On September 11, 2001, they boarded Flight 175 from Boston to Los Angeles. The plane was later hijacked and deliberately flown into the South Tower of the World Trade Center at 9:03 a.m. Daniel and Ronald had been introduced 13 years earlier, and welcomed David into their family in 1998. Just three years old on September 11, 2001, David was one of the youngest victims of the 9/11 attacks.

Memorial parapet

Tissue-Paper Roses Activity

Activity Instructions

  • Choose two circles of colored tissue paper.
  • Pinch the center of the circle from the bottom and twist until it forms a cone shape.
  • Tape the end of the tissue paper cone to a piece of pipe cleaner to create a rose.

Think About It

  • Why do you think people leave items next to specific names on the parapets?