New York City is back to normal as we do know
The people rushing around at Christmas time even those
It’s a great feeling to see this going on
In traffic cars going very slow some impatient drivers blowing their horns
It does get congested in this very busy town
During the holidays, shopping for gifts for the family and friends 
It just a very happy time that you spend
Going from store to store looking for that right gift that you could buy
When time does come to open the gifts , happiness and joy as they cry
You did it right as you could see on their face
A lot of time well spend wasn’t a waste
Even at New Years Eve in the city numerous people gather to watch the light drop
To bring in the New Year  watching your clock, as well
Everyone hugging the massive crowd does yell
Great cheer for this New Year
In our heart is 911 and memories you will never forget 
Even though in our heart  is sadness , you still can feel happiness without regret

By Seymour Berger

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