Artists Registry

jack timmerman

Shoreline WA United States

    Statement of Work

    I was affected by 911 by ways of an athlete that I head been coaching back in 2001.
    She approached me after practice just ended and told me he she had to fly to New York
    to attend a memorial service. I ask her how she and her family were doing. She
    just gave a short nod and went to her parents car who were waiting. It dawned on me
    as I was driving home that she is going to a 1st. responder memorial. She has many relatives
    who are firefighters. I was so devastated I had to pull off the road and compose my self so I
    could make the rest of the drive home. From that point on I told my self that when ever
    New York City has some kind of place where we can pay our respects, I will go.
    I did find the name that I was looking for, and what came to mind was the kid I coached
    11 years earlier. That is me holding a small american flag that I had on my
    mustang's antenna from 9/12/01 till the next year 9/11/02.


    I have a graphics, illustration, cartooning, poster background.
    I am not a professional photographer , these photos
    were taken with a small digital camera.