Artists Registry

Beate Epp

Dundurn, SK Canada

    Statement of Work

    Any gifts we have been given are the Divine speaking through us --- if we understand this and let our ego step aside, we make space in our hearts and minds for the purest form of love there is and bow our heads in honour of creation.

    Let the Divine think through me, let the Divine speak through me, let the Divine write through me, let the Divine paint through me, let the Divine feel through me, let the Divine see through me.

    Let me be a humble tool and be guided by the Love of the Divine God in everything I do, experiencing the joy of creation, leading through a dark forest into the bliss of the sun planted in each of us.

    Feel the grace flowing through your soul and open up your heart fully to experience the love of the universe, moving back and forth, in and out --- cells are bodies --- bodies are cells --- trees are leaves --- leaves are trees --- men are women --- women are men --- day and night, One.

    Diving into the depths of my soul, down the abyss of the ocean, deeper and deeper, learning to love the darkness, wrapping myself with the night to feel the sparkle in me, glowing bright --- pure while light filling every inch of my body, pouring out of my skin, melting, melting into you.

    You gently touch my soul, empty out my body, empty out my mind until there is only silence, the sweetness and bitterness melts into empty space, a vacuum of peace surrounding my spirit, who never was apart but sleeping, walking in a haze of illusion --- seeking, seeking, seeing --- awakening into Oneness. Blessed be.


    More information about Beate Epp

    Artist, author, and holistic healer Beate Epp lives with her husband on their farm south of Saskatoon, SK, Canada. She loves nature and being with her horses, cats, and dogs.

    Beate started painting in 1988 and developed her own particular style using vibrant and living colours in a variety of media. This flexibility of media provides her with a freedom of expression while capturing the heart and soul of the moment. The natural ability to use colour and media to tell stories gives Beate’s paintings a special and inviting appeal which draws the viewer into the heart and soul of the image being portrayed.

    Any gifts we have been given are the Divine speaking through us --- if we understand this and let our ego step aside, we make space in our hearts and minds for the purest form of love there is and bow our heads in honour of creation.

    During the past 20 years, Beate Epp has received several awards and recognitions for her work as an artist.

    In November 2005 she received an impressive critique of her work by the New York art magazine ‘Gallery & Studio’, owned by Ed and Jeannie McCormack.

    Her fairy tale novel The Magical Horses is an inspiring story about love and faith, helping and sharing. It extends its wonderful message to children and adults alike. This novel is planned as a trilogy and Beate recently finished the second book.

    Beate has had exhibitions throughout Canada, the US, and Germany, and her works are collected internationally.

    She is a Holistic Healer, gives treatments and teaches various energy healing systems.

    For more information and purchases please call 492 – 4996 or visit her website:

    At her home and studio you are able to view a variety of paintings from different stages of her work.

    15% of all painting sales go to Saskatoon’s Tamara’s House, a shelter and healing centre for female childhood sexual abused survivors.