Artists Registry

Elaine Forrest

New York NY United States

    Statement of Work

    I am an artist who moved from Venice Beach, California to New York’s Financial District in January 2001. On September 11th, when the towers collapsed, papers and documents from the offices within landed on my terrace. With these materials from institutions such as Cantor Fitzgerald, as well as other personal papers, I collaged and painted a large diptych measuring 6’ 7” x 8’ 4”.

    Each day I cut out faces that the New York Times newspaper posted as deceased. Each face was applied to construct a symbolic semblance of the World Trade Towers.

    One of the items found on my terrace was the desk pad of George Giaccone. He was an employee at Cantor Fitzgerald. The pad was in tact and unblemished. After the debris was cleared at the World Trade Center and the names of those who died was posted I found his name on the memorial stone. I photographed it at the site, and included his name from the memorial in the art piece.

    The collage has been ongoing for the last six years. In the past few weeks I have finished applying the last remnants of paper, some acrylic color and sealed the piece. Originally the collage was worked on in the studio. A wall in our apartment was enlarged to accommodate its breath and it now hangs in our hall. It has brought tears and chills to all who have viewed it…from visiting friends to trades people.

    The foundation of my art is based on Realism. At the time surrounding 9/11 I was moved by the unusual images we were confronted with. Some of these images were emotionally charged. Living a block from the World Trade Center site we were asked to wear face masks. The image of Osama Bin Laden and the evil he had imparted became part of our daily imagery. And where there was once a subway station the area became a void.


    BORN: New York City

    RELOCATION: Moved from Venice Beach, California to Financial District, New York, January 2001

    EDUCATION: Harvard University, School of Medical Illustration
    Boston University, School of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts

    2006 February, “Portraits, Self Portraits,” Gallery 402, New York, NY

    2005 July, “The Great Outdoors,” Gallery 402, New York, NY

    2002 September, Group Show, Williamsburg Art and Historical Center, Brooklyn, NY

    2001 January, “Reactions” Group Show, Exit Art Gallery, New York, NY

    1997 February, “Books Made by Artists,” Group Show, F.I.G. Gallery, Santa Monica, CA

    1993 April, COLLAGE, Group Show, Deborah Schiller Hadl Art, Culver City, CA

    1981-2002 Venice Family Clinic Silent Art Auction, Venice, CA

    1991 September, Santa Fe Institute of Art Mask Auction, Santa Fe, New Mexico

    1989 July, Barnsdall Park Open Competition, Art Gallery at Barnsdall Park, Los Angeles, CA
    January, “Definitions,” Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Art Rental Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

    1987 November, “Step Up On Second,” Silent Auction, Colorado Place, Santa Monica, CA. Curated by Joy Andrews

    March, “Women and Their Work,” Los Angeles City Hall Rotunda. Curated by the Woman’s Building for the Los Angeles City Commission on the Status of Women. The show in honor of Woman’s History Month

    1986 “L.A. Icons,” Design Center, Los Angeles, CA

    1984-1988 Annual L.A.C.E. (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions
    Finalist, 1984 International Art Competition
    One Person Show, “Wedding Cake” Series, City Café and L.A. Eyeworks, Los Angeles, CA

    2000-2001 Ford Mobile Nature Van. The Children’s Nature Institute, Santa Monica, CA

    1998 Exterior Wall Mural, Miskon Tiflot Synagogue Nursery School, Venice, CA

    Bank of America, Los Angeles, CA