Artists Registry

Richard Foster

Salisbury Center NY United States

    Statement of Work

    My wife Valerie & I were taking a cruise on the Pacific Princess to Bermuda; the last Sunday the WTC was standing, 09/09/01. I didn't realize how important this photo would become to so many people.

    Another rejuvenating New England day

    On Sept. 9, 2001 my wife Valerie & I left our home in the Adirondack Mts. before sunrise and drove to Albany to catch a train for NYC. As we boarded the passenger car with all our luggage; we had an excitement brewing inside us. It was our first time riding a train, our first time going to the Big City & taking a cruise out of New York. After stowing the belongings we began exploring our surroundings; there was an aroma of fresh brewed coffee, pastries & many different fragrances flowing in the air. People chattering for their morning commute, newspapers rattling in the back ground. Soon the doors closed and we were on our way. The trip did not take too long; with stops & gos' along the way and from the darkness of morning we enjoyed seeing the sun rise to an awakening of a beautiful day.

    After we reached Grand Central Station we took a taxi to the port, processed in and boarded the original Pacific Princess. What a wonderful surprise we received when we found out that we had been up graded to the best Suite on the ship; where many movie stars and famous dignitaries once slept. Like always; we were welcomed as royalty. Then of course it did not take us long to get to our cabin, freshen up and hit the upper decks where all the excitement of cruising is all about. Taking in all the beautiful surroundings of someplace new. We toasted to another adventure in our lives, meeting the crew members, making new friends, tasting new flavors and enjoying the views.

    When the Pacific Princess joined in on the departures of all the other cruise ships sound of joy, laughter and most of all the sound from each ship blowing their whistles with a vibration flowing across the decks like music.

    As we exited the harbor I took many pictures of just about everything; our port escorts, other boats & ships, bridges, buildings and land marks. Like some of the photos from my collection; I'm sure thousands of other people can remember that most beautiful sunny autumns day.

    Never before has a cruise made such an impression on me than this one. Now that we were at sea; the ocean became very rough, waves splashing over the bow to the top deck of the ship. While trying to walk outside on the decks became dangerous from brisk windy down pours, making it difficult to maneuver. But what an experience it was to see the effects a hurricane can have while at sea. Not too many passengers made it to the dinning room that evening; but of course I certainly did. A remarkable adventure this was becoming.

    That next morning Val & I had room service bring us fresh fruit, coffee & juice to start our next wondrous day. The sea had now calmed some what with an occasional swell rocking the ship. Then up on deck for breakfast, a walk around the decks and then off to Merengue dance class.

    As you may have figured it out by now; it was between 8:15 or 8:30 in the morning and everyone on board listened to the ships captain announce to us that a jet air liner had crashed into one of the Twin Towers & that there were other air crafts hijacked & no one knew for sure what was happening. But soon after another air craft crashed into the other tower and it was for certain the United States was under attack on our homeland. This was all happening just after we had entered into the famous " Bermuda Triangle" . It was like no one could believe what was really happening. The entire ship including the crew and officers became dismal of what was to come of each approaching moment. Chatter and awkward silence spread across the entire ship in just moments; all TVs and movie screens had different news teams covering the terrifying story step by step.

    Both our hearts dropped like lead balloons; our son-in-law is a Marine and our children & grand-children were the only things on our mind as we pulled into St. Georges Bay, Bermuda. Along with everyone else on board we stayed in tuned with every latest news break. We all had entered into the Bermuda Triangle and the world will never be the same again.

    Bermuda military forces ensured our safety while our stay on their island. As we went to shore we could see definite support for the United States of America. Our Stars & Stripes were on display in shop windows, people wearing red/white/blue, songs about United States and American music played from little corner gift shops, natives welcomed us all with open arms.

    Val & I felt guilty being on a cruise while so many other people had lost their loved ones and to this day we still can feel that sorrow within us. Just look at the devastation a few hours has made on everyones life because of cowards who hide behind masks and their country style clothing. "IF THEY ARE SO BRAVE ; THEN WHY DO THEY NOT SHOW THEIR FACES & IN A DISTINCT CLOTHING LIKE EVERY { PROUD } MILITARY ORGaNAZATION WILL ? ? ? " These terrorist are hiding behind innocent women, children, wives and grandparents.

    But let it be known that " Safe Freedom Will Prevail ! ! " Everyone that has love for their own individual family and want a better life for their children " Needs to support the fight against all terrorist acts."

    These feelings overwhelmed many who were on this cruise with us and I'm sure that no one wants to see their children be sacrificed by cowards or anyone else as a matter of fact. So with my thoughts; may you all go out into the world and make it a better place for your children to enjoy growing up in......

    On our return trip we had encountered five or six water spouts which came within feet of the Pacific Princess. Another experience we'll never forget. And when we arrived at Boston harbor we were detained because of a possible bomb threat on board ship; but turned out to be nothing. Val & I were the very last passengers off the ship & were happy to be back at home.

    May I leave you with this;

    New beginnings are always filled with exciting special pleasures &

    endless joyful treasures; perpetually found within our Cradling Love.

    Always Respectful,
    Richard K. Foster