Artists Registry

Elizabeth Nordstrum Romano

Charlestown RI United States

    Statement of Work

    I am a Rhode Islander.

    On Sept 11, 2001 I was having an oil change on my car and while waiting, I saw on TV the first plane hit the Tower. My first thought was this cannot be, This is America.

    Like all Americans, my heart was broken, I wanted to do something to help the people of New York. So I designed a flag. The only problem was, How do we get it to them?

    The Freedom Tower fills that empty space in my heart. The most beautiful sight in the world. Some day I hope to see in person the beauty of it all.

    Elizabeth Nordstrom Romano


    Article from the Sun, Westerly R.I., Tuesday, September 12, 2006

    Special Flag, special tribute

    Local art teacher wants to share her special 9/11 remembrance

    By Brian Quinlan
    The Sun Staff

    Westerly-- In the years following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, many American have come up with their own way of rememberin gthe day's events and the sacrifices made by so many.

    Some have written poetry, while others have crafted short stories about how our world has changed.

    Elizabeth Nordstrom-Romano, a local art teacher and resident, put her talents to work and crafted a commemorative flag tribute to those who died. The flag has the words "WE WILL NEVER FORGET" on top, with an artistic rendering of a half-angel, half-airplane holding an anchor and a broken heart in the middle.

    "Everyone so far htat has seen it loves it," she said. "I think there's something in the flag for all of us to relate to."

    Behind the angel/plane- which she said is a symbol of the "angels" who died in the airplanes on Sept. 11, 2001-- is an American flag. Underneath is an eye-ball next to the words "ON THE NATION AND THE WORLD." The eye-ball, she said was incorporated because she felt "we were going to have to keep a closer eye on each other."

    She said the drawing came from a moment of inspiration she had on Sept. 11.

    "When 9/11 happened, I was so devastated. I wanted to do something to help people in New York," she said. "One day as I was sitting in my car, this just came to me and I sketchedit out."

    Now, in the hopes of sharing that inspiration, Nordstrom-Romano said she is going to take the flag throughout town to find someone who will display it.

    "We have a tendency to forget things that happen. This flag is a reminder to all of us. We will never forget this," she said. "Now I just want to share this with others."