Artists Registry

Tommy Montanez

Secaucus NJ United States

    Statement of Work

    As a proud American I wanted to exprees the reason why I wanted to donate this sculpture I designed depicting The United States Postal Stamp entitled " Fallen Heroes'. The Stamp depicts three firemen placing the United States flag on a pole after the tragic events of September 11, 2001.

    I was born on the lower east side of Manhattan and growing up in the area where the World Trade Center was built. I felt compelled to give something back for those who gave of themselves for all of us. I have been very honored that I have been able to donate within the past four years three of the sculptures to these Locations. The first on was to The Firemen’s Museum in New York City, the second was to The Public library of Secaucus New Jersey, and the most recent to The Port Authority of New York as of last year.

    I felt that as an artist I wanted to give something back to the community affected by what had happened that changed all our lives.

    It would be a honor to donate this work of art to the National September 11 Memorial & Museum at the World Trade Center.


    Tommy Montanez



    Tommy Montanez
    Fine Artist

    Tommy Montanez was born and raised in New York City. As an accomplished artist, I’ve worked in the graphic art field for over 30 years and been recognized for my designs of logos.

    My focus and dedication as an artist in the fields of Arts and Graphic Design includes such accomplishments as Graphic Artist/Illustrator for the Liberty Island Game in 1984, a board game which was sold throughout the country. I recently donated three pieces of United States Postal Stamp figurines the first was to the Firemen Museum of New York, The second figurine was to the Secaucus Library located in New Jersey and the the third was to The Port Authority of New York . These Figurines depict the Firemen Stamp reflecting the tragic events of September 11 2001, which we as Americans will never forget. As a Fine Artist I have also exhibited my paintings at Galleries throughout New York, New Jersey and Florida.

    What started out as a desire to create art that includes my passion for collecting stamps lead me to the imaginative creations called The United States Postal Stamp Collage Figurines. These figurines represent unique depictions of United States Postal Stamps. Utilizing wooden mannequin figurines with real postal stamps, every designed figurine has instilled the life and style represented on a stamp. It also depicts the personalities of famous people represented in stamps. These figurines depict such great as: Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, The 1996 Olympic Athletes, The legends of Baseball, The Hollywood Monster Series, Frankenstein, Dracula, The Phantom of the Opera, The Mummy, The Wolf man, The classic Dolls of the Americas and many others. I've also eceived great reviews from local newspapers and been interviewed by local cable talk shows for my originality and uniquely designed figurines.

    My creations using USPS Stamps bring the identity of my favorite icons and depicts their individual style. As a Artist I feel compelled to continually strive to develop unique works of art and hope my work leaves a lasting impression.