Artists Registry

Alphonso Prince

Easton PA United States

    Statement of Work

    The force behind the painting:

    Just like you when I witness the event of 911, at first I thought it was some Hollywood special effects… Once I grasp the extent of it I understood it wasn’t Hollywood’s doings.

    A ray of emotions I experienced. First I was shocked, then I was angry, then I was mad, then I was awfully sad. This of course made me want to lash out to those who were responsible but once the buildings started to collapse the finality of the events sat in.

    Knowing that matters could not be reversed or corrected at this point I also felt helpless. After a couple of days I needed spiritual relief. Thus came about the picture.

    I present “Intercession Salvation”

    Understanding that life itself recycles itself and which this Country was built on is a small part of the schematics of the truth. In an instinct all people involve had the whole understanding of the truth. With the knowledge that nothing is lost and we all will meet again. They just went be forth us and one day we will journey across the river too and be united.

    This image has brought me tranquil and peace to my soul. So I hope it also do to many the same. So I bring to you

    “Intercession Salvation”
    August 17, 2006


    Alphonso C. Prince was born on May 25, 1957 in Washington, Dc. Presently I am residing in the fair City of Easton, Pennsylvania. I am the youngest son of 6 siblings and we all were blessed with special talents so happens mind is fine art. I process the ability to transfer images which my eyes see to any medium of my liking, as such as pen and ink, watercolors, oils, charcoal and in this case acrylic.

    I have informal training due to lack of financial support being that I was raised by my Mother and having 5 other siblings the dollar was spread thin. Fortunately, I had the honor to attend my famous alma mater Eastside High School in Paterson, New Jersey. Also while visiting my Aunt in Washington, D.C. I was a welcome walk-in guest at Howard University Art Department which I've gain in such little time most of my theory and concept of projecting two dimensional to three dimensional images.

    Being born in the 50's witnessing some of the growing pains in self-afflicting wounds such as the demised of John and Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.I am still convinced this is the Greatest Country in all of history. And I present to you my prescription for healing after this great calamity

    Intercession Salvation

    May this be your night light or your comforting blanket or the words It’s Going To Be All right. God bless you and Thank you..

    Yours truly,
