Artists Registry

Milton Rosa-Ortiz

Brooklyn NY United States

    Statement of Work

    The morning of September 11 I was sitting on my desk, next to my bed. When I lay in bed I could see the towers but, that morning the blinds were down because I was working on the computer. I had been hearing the sirens going by, on the BQE (Brooklyn-Queens Expressway) but I thought it was a car accident (Not uncommon). At one point I picked up the phone to make a call and the lines were dead. That’s when I realized something was wrong. By the time I turned the TV and realized what was happening, the first tower had already fallen. When I looked out the window what I saw was the gigantic cloud of debris moving towards us, in Brooklyn. We were right on it’s path. I ran around our loft shutting down all the windows. When the could hit, I could not see the other side of the street. Two days later I hopped on my bicycle and rode around South Park Slope, Carroll Gardens, Cobble Hill and Brooklyn Heights. A layer of white dust and debris covered every surface. There were fragments of paper everywhere: checks, accounting records, fragments of magazines, envelopes, fragments of phone books, etc. I instinctually started picking them up and, stashing them in a bag. I didn’t know what I was going to do with them, but I figured maybe someday I would make something. The bag sat in the corner of my studio for 5 years until the exhibition Paradise According to Milton came along (Magnan Projects, NYC 2007). I felt this was a serious and respectful enough project to use that material for. The first thing I did was write down all the names that appeared in the fragments. I then checked them with the list of deceased from 9/11. I didn’t want these art pieces to bring any more pain to the survivors. None of the names in my papers appeared in that list. I then ironed them; which made the studio smell like 9/11. The papers were obviously impregnated with particles that were released by the steam of the iron. It was creepy, and painful to remember. I had already in mind that I would build the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil as a collage with the papers. Then I had the epiphany to have the negative become The Tree of Life. That’s how the two light boxes came to be.


    Milton Rosa-Ortiz

    Born: San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1967
    Lives: Brooklyn, NY


    Galerie Bienvenu, New Orleans, LA; Fall 2008
    Baldwin Gallery Aspen, CO; Summer 2008
    Magnan Projects Manhattan, NY; Winter 2007
    Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico San Juan, PR; Fall 2006
    Baldwin Gallery Aspen, CO; Winter 2005
    Cornell DeWitt Gallery Manhattan, NY; Winter 2001
    Cornell DeWitt Gallery Manhattan, NY; Fall 2001


    Aspen Art Museum, Aspen, CO; Fall 2008
    Galerie Favardin & de Veneuil, Paris, France; Fall 2008
    Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn, NY; Fall 2008
    Wave Hill Arts Center, Bronx, NY; Summer 2008
    CSV Cultural Center, Manhattan, NY; Summer 2008
    Pulse Art Fair - Magnan Project, Manhattan, NY; Summer 2008
    Dean Project, Long Island City, NY; Spring 2008
    L'Espace Tajan (Galerie 'A Rebours'), Paris, France; Fall 2007
    Pulse Art Fair- Magnan Projects, Manhattan, NY; Spring 2007
    Lehman College Art Gallery, Bronx, NY; Winter 2007
    Hardcore Contemporary Art Space Miami, FL; Fall 2006
    Klaus von Nichtssagend, Williamsburg, NY; Fall 2006
    L'Espace Tajan Paris, France; Fall 2006
    Bruno Marina Gallery Brooklyn, NY; Fall 2006
    PS1-MoMA Long Island City, NY; Summer 2006
    Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico San Juan, PR; Spring 2006
    El Museo del Barrio's Bienal; 2006
    Pulse Art Fair Manhattan, NY; Winter 2006
    The Armory Show- Exit Art Gallery Manhattan, NY; Winter 2006
    Patton-Malott & Gartner Gallery Snowmass Village, CO; Winter 2006
    El Museo del Barrio: The (S) Files Bienal Manhattan, NY; Fall 2005
    Exit-Art: Homomuseum. Manhattan, NY; Summer 2005
    Jeff Bailey Gallery Manhattan, NY; Spring 2004
    Robert Steele Gallery Manhattan, NY; Spring 2004
    The Armory Show- Exit Art Gallery Manhattan, NY; Winter 2004
    Exit Art: L-Factor Manhattan, NY; Fall 2003
    Affordable Art Fair Manhattan, NY; Fall 2002
    Affordable Art Fair Manhattan, NY; Summer 2002
    Patton-Malott & Gartner Gallery Snowmass Village, CO; Spring 2002
    Ellipsis Community Art Center Brooklyn, NY; Fall 2000
    Meat-Market Art Fair- CDG Manhattan, NY; Summer 2000
    Castle Creek Gallery Aspen, CO; Summer 2000
    Red Brick Arts Center-Aspen Art Museum Aspen, CO; Winter 1999
    Patton-Malott & Gartner Gallery Snowmass Village, CO; Summer 1999