Artists Registry

Madhukar Dhas

New York NY United States

    Statement of Work

    What motivated me and how did "This Day Is Forever - The 9/11 Memorial Song" come about?

    I have written and re-written the words to the "9/11 Memorial Song" a few times over. Initially I felt people would think I was trying to cash in on the tragedy. But it is from the heart and feels that way to whoever hears it. And that is the reason I want to give it away FREE to those who want to listen to it.

    A year after the tragedy, in 2002, I was watching a program on NIGHTLINE. It spoke about how the incident was sort-of fading in the minds of some of us and they showed two very disturbing stories of burn victims who survived the explosions, recouping without any heroic fanfare, in some hospital. At this point I thought, my song might help keep alive the way we felt on 9/11, never to lose our hope, faith and the American spirit of freedom.


    Madhukar Dhas

    PS: Below are 3 comments I got from listeners who saw the DVD that I also sent you, to show how effective the song can be as a background track for any visuals you might use.

    "Thanks for sharing the video. It is a good reminder of the day which has changed so many of our lives. Unfortunately, it has changed our relationships with other people and nations as well. We may never again see the time when people from other parts of the world will be accepted without fear and/or reservations and that is sad. To think that everyone must be viewed with suspicion and mistrust is certainly a far cry from the world as God would have it to be." - Richard Vreeland

    "Thank you again -- I watched the video with the audio for the first time -- It's is a beautiful tribute. I am at work so I had to suppress my tears -- I will watch it again when I get home. That day seem like it unfolded just yesterday -- and I try and still have hope for the underlying current of goodness and peace in this world." - Victoria Luz

    "I am shaking from the video. The song is even more powerful with the images. I am so overwhelmed by what I have just seen. This was a very hard day for America and the time I spent watching your video made me feel as though I was able to be in prayer for all those we have lost and be hopeful that this will never take place again. It is a naive hope, but the power of prayer is strong. I believe in miracles. I thank you for your excellent work." - Nick Petrone , Recording Artist



    ”Madooo” (His full name is Madhukar Chandra Dhas) did reach stardom in his native India, singing and putting on Western rock music shows. In fact, the moniker “Superstar” was practically attached to his name by the Indian press. Yet he left that fame to come to the United States. He has recently changed his stage name to Madooo, formally adopting the name everyone has called him for years. Madooo has always been one of those people for whom creative expression takes different forms. Music and art have constantly been intertwined in his life. His love of Rock & Roll brought him to these shores. And he presently satisfies the art muse as a graphic designer at Deutsch Advertising.

    Madooo’s father originally wanted him to become a doctor. While at Madras Christian College, however, Madooo decided art was his calling. When, through his father’s influence, a seat opened up for him in a State’s Medical College, Madooo was apprehensive, afraid that he would have to abandon art. “Fortunately, the spot was lost at the last minute...otherwise I might have killed a few hundred people in botched medical procedures by now.” Madooo jokes. Madooo moved to Bombay, the heart of India's advertising industry then, taking a job on a trial basis with the Interpub agency. A billboard cartoon campaign he had created, as well as work for Air India and a local soft-drink manufacturer, landed him a job with Lintas: India. He eventually became a visualizer (or art director). While at Lintas, Alyque Padamsee, the managing director, who also is a renowned producer of theatrical shows was in pre-production and wanted to cast Madooo as Jesus in Padamsee’s Indian production of Jesus Christ Superstar. “I wanted to play the part of Judas.” he relates, “I was worried about the controversy surrounding the play at that time.” Instead of playing Judas, chosen from a field of many aspiring actors and singers, Madooo played the lead. He needn’t have worried. In fact, he was surprised at the reception of the audience, many of whom were Hindus, Sikhs or Muslims. “Many people cried at each performance,” he recalls. The show was a smashing success, running for a year and a half, even giving a command performance for then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

    Madooo says it was one of the best years of his creative life: “I would work in the agency all day, then go
    straight to the theater, do the show, then head for the club where I would play with my band until one or two in the morning.” After he quit ATOMIC FOREST (one of India’s pioneer Rock-bands in the 70s), Madooo toured India, and the Asian English-speaking hotel circuit, with solo shows. In one show, he was among the first to incorporate graphics, slides of his cartoons projected behind him on stage. The projectionist was his new bride, Sophia, a model and dancer, who also performed in the show. In another show, called ‘The Evolution of Mr. Rock,’ Madooo both satirized and celebrated the Western pop music scene, parodying various singers. Eventually, he decided to go to America. “The music scene in India is very provincial; there is a limited Western pop-music audience. I was booked on to the circuit, playing five-star hotels, but there was nowhere else to go, plus, the American quality in recording was so much better.” Madooo hooked up with a Vietnamese band (playing American rock & roll) that was booked on an American tour, playing throughout the Midwest. Finally, after a stint with an Elvis-impersonating band, he and his wife found themselves at the Hershey Hotel in Pennsylvania in 1981. Deciding that they had had enough of road life, they went to New York to seek steady jobs. Madooo took a job at a local type house where he studied the art of typography extensively, working with art directors from all over New York, doing a long-term gig for Bozell, starting in1988. Ten years later he moved to Deutsch Inc. At all these places he has continued to showcase his music, winning annual Talent contests doing Elvis Presley & Jim Morrison impersonations, even gaining mentions in the trade magazine Adweek.

    In 1981, Madooo went to an audition by singer/songwriter Harry Chapin. Harry gave Madooo his address, requested a tape and told him he’d like to be his manager. Madooo sent him a tape. When he made a follow-up call, he was told that Harry was out on the road. And two weeks later, Chapin died. Earlier in India, Led Zeppelin visited a club where Madooo sang and Robert Plant gave him a thumbs-up after listening to him. These encouraging images have been etched in his mind, and keep his musical dreams and hopes alive. Madooo’s popularity in India still persists in certain circles.On a recent return trip, he was asked by Louis Banks, India’s top music producer, to sing on more than 20 jingles for national commercials; an earlier spot of his for Close-Up toothpaste had set records, staying on the air and playing daily at every movie house in the country for almost 10 years. Madooo finds a great deal of creative satisfaction in his work for Deutsch, but his urge to sing has him performing again. He sang with the Marble Collegiate Gospel choir, which in the last 4 years has appeared at Carnegie Hall, The Beacon, Lincoln Center, and, in 2000, at Madison Square Garden backing up Marc Anthony at WKTU’s ‘Miracle on 34th Street.’ His first love is still rock & roll — with an East Indian flavor. He hears a voicing of mainstream rock & roll with Indian percussion instruments and musical instruments such as the tabla & sitar that is a blend of all the influences in his one-of-a-kind life. His first American CD, the title track of which he wrote for the 9/11 Memorial is available FREE for all the world to download from this website. It was intended as a message of healing.