Artists Registry

Dorothy Dierks

Blairstown NJ United States

    Statement of Work

    Artist's Statement:

    Two weeks after the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade center my husband and I parked on Canal Street in Manhattan, the Southernmost street permitted for cars by Security Officers, and walked down to Lafayette and Liberty where , behind taped-off areas, we were able to view the devastation. The air smelled of death, a strange silence pervaded in spite of the on-site workers and machinery. The winds had moved ashes around, but glass front stores displayed several inches of white dust on all objects. As a New Jersey artist, close the Manhattan, I needed sketches for developing honest paintings I felt compelled to begin. These works are my struggle to look into the face of shock, anguish, rage, and helplessness as well as the courage of rescue and determination to recover.

    My paintings are springboards for viewers to interpret and realize their own personal perceptions. These paintings are correlates to internal feelings as well as records of an historical event never to be forgotten.
    dorothy DIERKS hourihan


    Dr. Dorothy Dierks Hourihan
    Professor Emeritus
    New Jersey City University

    Dean, School of Arts and Sciences
    Professor, Fine Arts

    Columbus Ga
    Residence and Studio:
    Blairstown, N.J.
    University of Colorado, Columbia University

    Solo Exhibitions
    Twelve Solo Exibitions including:
    Viridian Gallery, N.Y.C.

    Monclair Museum, N.J.

    Liberty State Park

    Jersey State Council on the Arts

    Art Space, N.J.C.U.

    Group Exhibitions:

    Pen and Bruch, Inc., N.Y.C.
    Auburn University, Alabama
    The New Burmingham Museum
    Lincoln Center, Cork Gallery, N.Y.C.
    The St. Louis Museum, Missouri
    Viridian Gallery Selections, Lever House, N.Y.C.
    Meridian Artists, Chelsea, N.Y.C.
    Kroean Culture Center, N.Y.C.


    The Columbus Museum, Georgia

    Eppink Gallery, Emphoria State U.

    Gallery Korea, Park Ave., N.Y.C.

    Joan Hodgell Gallery, Sarasota, Florida

    Collections :
    K.L. Fine Arts, Highlend Park, IL
    The Columbus Museum, Columbus, Georgia
    Montclair Art Muserm, Monclair, New Jersey
    Block Drug Company, Jersey City, New Jersey
    The Hebrew Home for the Aged, Riverdale, New York
    JASA, N.Y.C.