Artists Registry

Robert Elslander

Eindhoven New Zealand

    Statement of Work

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    People of all races, nationalities and religions are entering the twin towers of the W.T.C. in New York on 09/11/01. After the terrorist attack the W.T.C. transformed into 2 sepulchre-crosses. In the cloud of dust are the signs of unidentified christians, muslims and jews. The same signs of those who could be identified are depicted in a green field underneath the symbol of an explosion.

    It all happened suddenly like a lightning on a clear day with a blue sky above Manhattan being the commercial / financial centre of the fortress U.S.A. and of the world.

    The colours of the windows of the church near 'point zero' that remained almost undammaged were used for the people who became martyrs of freedom. Through the window are coming in : " the light of hope, love & faith", "the symbols for man and woman", "the formula of relativity" as well as "alpha & omega". The same colours are used for the gate of heaven on the left-hand-side and for the stairs to heaven on the right.

    Fortunately some people connected to the terrorist-attack could be put into prison in the fortress of U.S.A. and elsewhere, guarded during day and night.

    The lower part of the painting = on the level of 'point zero' features the under-world at the left and the underground on the right. In purple the threat of following attacks is symbolized by 'question-marks' on the left-hand-side = ? when and where ? and on the right-hand-side via 'radiation danger' for possible attacks with nuclear arms.

    ! " 09 / 11 " did change the world !

    [ * ] Robert Elslander visited one of the twin-towers and stood on the roof in 1990


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    Robert was born in The Hague on the 29th of July 1937 at 01H00 under the western zodiac-sign 'Leo' with ascendant 'Twins' in the eastern zodiac year of the 'Ox'. He is the only son of Hypolitus Franciscus Augustus Elslander en Antoinette Hendrika Mathijsen, who also had a daughter Mabel.

    Café " 't Wachtje "
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    Robert's father "Pol" with nickname "Jacky" was owner of the well-known café-restaurant called " 't Wachtje ". Jacky had a deep interest in art.
    " 't Wachtje " was a meeting place of painers, ( known ) actors from near-by theaters, authors, journalists, judges, lawyers, and medical staff of the 'Bethlehem' hospital staff as well as 'HVV"- soccer-players.

    " 't Wachtje " located at 'Malieveld' was a route-stop of the well-known 'blue streetcar' to the beach of Scheveningen. During the 2nd World-War on sunny summer-days Robert and his sister used to go to the beach with the "blauwe tram" accompanied by their nanny.

    As a small boy Robert went often with his father to the workshop of his father's close friend the painter Kees Rovers. He also attended art-exhibitions in museums like 'Maurits Huis' en 'Panorama Mesdag'. Jacky was also a collector of stained glass and both in " 't Wachtje " and at home there was a lot of 'Tiffany'-like stained glass in windows and doors.

    The Old Days
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    Robert's home was situated in Pieter Both-straat 49-A on the second floor at the corner of the Daendel-straat. In the house at the cross-corner of the Daendel-straat students of the art-academy were living and they often asked Robert to be a model. Since it was during World War II these artists lacked painting materials and were drawing with matches, which they put into jars of indian ink. Towards the end of the war Robert experienced bombs and V-2 missiles coming down in his Bezuidenhout-area. On the 3rd of March 1944 the Bezuidenhout was erroneously bombarded by phosphorous bombs. Over 500 people were killed and almost all the houses in the area of Bezuidenhoutse-weg – Schenk-weg – Schenk-kade – Laan van Nieuw Oost Indië burned down.

    " 't Wachtje " was also hit and totally ruined. Later, for some unclear reasons of local politics the café-restaurant was never rebuilt.

    An Artistic Talent Emerges
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    At high school Robert started to make drawings both during the lessons and at home. He was encouraged by his mother, who bought for him special drawing pens and ink. From the beginning his artistic approach was based on his personal philosphy that there is few artistic merit in imitating already well-known or famous painters. At the same time Robert decided that he would keep the complete collection of his works intact until at least his 65th birthday. Therefore all of his sketches and drawings were carefully stored and later on framed behind glass.

    Robert finished high school [ HBS-A ] in 1956. Since earning a living as an artist while starting a family was not financially feasible, he continued to study while working. As a result of this extensive academic labours he earned certificates in: Type-writing, English, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Accounting, Economy, Automation, I.T. and Marketing Management.

    Robert, moreover, was convinced that painting primarily to make money usually leads to a degradation of art. Painting to survive financially is in most cases not the right foundation for creating real quality of art; "quality not quantity" . So he applied his many skills in other directions as well.

    Development of his Art Form
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    After his marriage in 1961 Robert started to paint with oils. However, instead of using 'waving' canvas, he used a type of impregnated wood that is longer lasting than plain wood. In this way his paintings will remain forever unchanged, and the use of frames is not necessary. Later on he fixed canvas on the 'formica' and put in some cases 'functional' frames around the paintings. On the back side of each painting are 2 ( wood or iron ) bars, resulting in the painting hanging as if detached from the wall. Another important method which adds a uniquely special effect to the paintings is the fact that Robert does not use brushes. Rather, the paint is applied straight from the tube onto the painting with thin, sharpened satey-sticks.

    A Broad Range of Work & Teaching Experiences
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    Robert continued painting whilst studying and working for many international companies. He became well-experienced in the field of shipping, trading of bulk-chemicals, crystal - china-ware - faience, foodstuffs ( canned meat – fish – vegetables ), coffee, instant coffee, tea, tobacco, wines & spirits, professional cleaning machines & chemicals, as well as batteries for cars, traction and emergency power.
    Moreover – as a project engineer - he got experience in the co-ordination of the construction of offices, warehouses and factories mainly in France and in Belgium, where he lived and worked for + 15 years.

    From 1987 up-to 2002 he was teaching 'Hogeschool' ( university rather focused on company practices than on scientific research ) students in 'international general marketing management'. At the same time to keep in contact with business he was marketing international human resources data to multinatinals / global companies.

    Robert divorced in 1987; he has a son Dennis and a daughter Désirée as well as 2 grand-daughters Stéphanie and Mélanie; all living in Belgium.

    A wealth of World Travel
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    Robert lived in The Hague, Oss, Utrecht, Montpellier ( France ), De Meern, Tervuren + Waterloo ( Belgium ), Mijdrecht and Eindhoven.

    For both private and business purposes Robert has travelled all over the world. He has visited museums, castles, cathedrals, churches, mosques, architectural works of art both ancient and modern, in the Netherlands, U.K., Belgium, France, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Rumania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Greece, Crete, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Kenya, South Africa, Mali, Marocco, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Hongkong, China, U.S.A. and Canada.

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    The titles of all his paintings reveal a very close link to modern daily life and the need of mankind to live in peace = in full harmony with the world that has become a global village.

    The successful exhibition of all his paintings in the splendid mediaeval
    "Bojnice Castle" – Slovak Republic from 03-12-04 upto 17-01-05 gave the objective confirmation that people do appreciate very much indeed the "integrated harmony"-style of painting. The same positive reactions during the exhibition in "Galerie des Beaux Arts" in Heeze near Eindhoven from 26-03-06 >< 07-05-06. Gerard Meulensteen – founder en owner of the "Danubiana Museum of Modern Art" in Bratislava - : ! I have seen a lot of art, but the distinction of Robert's paintings have surprised me and left a permanent impression !

    Therefore Robert goes on with his on 'harmony based philosophy' creativity and ……………………! may-be some day the entire collection will be available to everybody in a [ small ] museum indeed!

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    ! UNIQUE !
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    To his great joy Robert has discovered with patience and care a new unique way of painting with vivid colour contrast and using a diversity of artistic subjects and themes with creativity and quality materials.

    The collection of Robert has been officially registered at the State Office for Art Historic Documentation – section 'Modern & Contemporary Art' of the Dutch Government in The Hague.

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    Born in 1937 the art-world of his youth was the brave new world of the ancient international master-painters and of abstract impressionism.
    At college – in the 1950-ties - his natural inclination to draw in a new way with other tools to express his feelings of 'Integrated Harmony' got shape
    = having respect for mankind, spirituality, world-events, nature and peace.

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    As from the beginning on Robert's long term policy has been to keep
    - at least until his 65th birthday - the complete collection of paintings
    [ 41 early 2006 ] + 20 drawings + 56 sketches together as a unique unit.

    And so he organized an exhibition of the entire collection – without possibility to buy - in the splendid medieval castle of Bojnice in Slovak Republic from 03-12-04 up to 17-01-05. ! A big success !

    ! With the knowledge that people do like his new style of painting he now =
    from 26-03-06  07-05-06 offers for the first time 'innovators' - smart
    investors - to buy his works of art – see: -
    e-mail: !

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    Robert considers internet an ideal way to show his entire collection of paintings hence: . The unique paintings not yet sold plus drawings and sketches – are still available for exhibition by interested finest art museums, art-collectors or art-galleries.
    E-mail: .