Artists Registry

Emilia and Zbigniew Fitz

Great Falls SC United States

    Statement of Work

    Two lives, one statement

    Since ever the question stays the same: To Be or not to Be.
    We are couple of immigrants coming to the USA with old fobias, fear of war. We lost all family - America gave us the nest.
    When 9/11 happened, maybe we overreacted - for us, it was like our home was attacked. We were under the shock.

    Emotional impact was so strong, that it became the turning point in our art. We identified with the victims so totally, that we, ourselves felt twisted and deformed inside. We wanted to be the witnesses of our time and we started to paint as we felt. It gave us the new form, from now on our art was never the same.

    Today, the sun is shinning again. We learned to to listen to our psyche in the creation - this time looking for the positive side.
    We were born to be, to fulfill, to be at our best - not only for us, but also for them, for those who were gone before their time. They left love after them. In our tour, we need to give love to the future generations - by our work.

    Even if the History was sometimes writen by human blood, overcoming this is in our nature.

    Emilia and Zbigniew Fitz


    Emilia Fitz:

    Born in Russia, raised in Poland where she obtained Master of Arts from Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. She left Poland with her husband, also an artist for Paris and later the couple was invited to New York City and offered position of designers in Textile Company. In 1977 Emilia participated in her first US exhibition at the Dimock Gallery at the George Washington University in Washington, DC.

    In 1986 came back to Europe to study in the European Museums. Between 1987 and 1994 she had several exhibitions at the Museums of South of France, Monaco, Gallery La Spirale in Prato, Italy and Foundation Paul Ricard. In 1995 she received private grant from an collector from California. In 1997 came back to the USA, to Phoenix, AZ. From 1997 showed her work in Phoenix, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and had solo show at the Dinnerware Contemporary Art Gallery in Tucson, AZ.

    In 2006 she moved to South Carolina and in April 2007 had retrospective exhibition at the Greenwood Museum.

    Her works are in the Museums and private collections all over the world.

    Zbigniew Fitz:

    Brain needs a "Hammer"
    I believe that shock, or strong emotions are the ultimate push for creativity. Events influence imagination. Several years ago I experienced the SHOCK and it was the turning point in my art. Now my view of figure is different from my previous work. When Isee a face, I'm looking for endless reactions and emotions to discover what it does for the form. It is in constant mouvement- nothing ever stays in it's own place- it's because of being alive, not because of physical mouvements.

    After completing study of Painting and Art History at the Academy of Fine Arts he escaped, with his wife, also a painter, the Communist Poland and via Paris and Montreal came to the USA in 1974. He was sponsored by one of major Textile Companies (as textile designer) in order to obtain permanent visa and later, Citizenship.

    His first US exhibition was at the Dimock Gallery at the George Washington University in Washington, DC. The year was 1977 and the title of exhibition was Metaphorical Trends in Art.

    In 1986 he decided to spend some time in Europe, to explore and study in the Museums, especially Italian. During his stay in Europe he had several exhibitions in the Museums of South of France, Foundation Paul Ricard and in Spirale Gallery in Prato, Italy.

    In 1996 he received, with his wife, a private grant from an collector from California. Same year he came back to the US and made his home in Phoenix, AZ. Between 1997-2001 he had several exhibitions in Phoenix, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and solo show at Dinnerware Contemporary Art Gallery in Tucson, AZ.

    2001 was the turning point in his artistic vision. He started to develop new style and considered it as the life achievement. In 2006 he moved to South Carolina and in 2007 had Retrospective exhibition at the Greenwood Museum. Now, he is painting full time, discovering exciting aspects of his New Form. My new form is the result of of lifetime friendship with my wife, Emilia. Together, we achieved more then we would without this cooperation.