Artists Registry

Ruggero Lenci

Rome Italy

    Statement of Work

    The sculptures have been created both in my house and in my studio in Rome, mostly during the weekends, trying to integrate architecture and
    sculpture: the architectural part is a monolith, and each of one of the eleven pieces in my mind symbolizes a Twin Tower.

    The sculptural research deals with the possible ways of de-composing a pure volume. That means intersections among the many parts in which it can be subdivided.

    The research is dynamic, in the sense that the sculptures are not only to be watched at, since they can be constantly made in pieces and re- composed.

    Creating them I also like to point out at the difference between art and terrorism: art can create, compose, decompose, mount, break in pieces, model several different matters and/or sounds. Terrorism has just to be eliminated from the world.


    Ruggero Lenci

    Curriculum vitae

    CITIZENSHIP: ITALIAN (and U.S. resident)
    MARKS: SUMMA CUM LAUDE / with publication
    PH.D (DOCTORATE): ROME, 1990
    REGISTRATION IN ITALY: N. 4965, ROME, (1979)
    E-MAIL: -
    WEB SITE: -
    TEL: 011 39 063297234
    MOBILE PHONE: 011 39 3292589600

    In 1978 Ruggero Lenci graduates from the School of Architecture of the University of Rome "La Sapienza" with a design thesis on a Sport Facility which won first prize in the Italian Olympic Committe National Competition (CONI) for architectural design theses.
    In 1980 he receives a Master of Architecture from the School of Architecture of the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta.
    From 1980 to 1982 he practices architecture in Atlanta (in the offices of FABRAP and Finch-Heery) and Houston (in the offices of Christopher Di Stefano and Lockwood-Greene).
    In 1982 he is a registered architect in the State of Georgia and a member of the American Institute of Architects.
    Since 1983 he practices architecture in Rome, Italy.
    From 1986 to 1990 he develops a Ph.D. research (Doctorate) at the School of Architecture of Rome “La Sapienza” on the following theme: “Linguistic Acquisitions in Contemporary Architecture”.
    From 1990 to 1992 he follows an advanced Ph.D. program (Post Doctorate) at the School of Architecture of Rome “La Sapienza.
    From 1995 to 1997 he is Assistant Professor (Ricercatore) in Architectural Design Courses at the School of Architecture of Rome “La Sapienza”.
    From 1998 to present he is Associate Professor in Architectural Design in “Building Engineering-Architecture Degree” at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", teaching “Architectural Design” at the fourth and fifth years.
    From 1999 he is a final degree thesis supervisor.
    From 1986 to present he has organized and promoted architectural events, lectures and exhibitions (Rome, Berlin, Ravenna and other.). In 2004 he has promoted the Laurea Honoris Causa conferred to I.M. Pei by the School of Architecture “Valle Giulia” of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
    He has developed researches within the Faculty, the University and the C.N.R. (the Italian National Council for Research).

    Ruggero Lenci publishes and edits books and essays.

    He wrote the following books:
    Massimiliano Fuksas (Testo & Immagine Ed., Turin, 1996)
    Antonino Manzone (Gangemi Ed., Rome, 1997)
    I.M. Pei (Testo & Immagine, Turin, 2004)
    Lenci Valentin - architettura teorematica (Mancosu Ed., Rome, 2005)
    Studio Passarelli - cento anni cento progetti (Electa Ed., Milan, 2006)
    Didactics and Architecture – Theses in Architectural Design (Prospettive Ed., Rome, 2007)

    He edited the following books:
    Trenta lezioni di architettura più una (Gangemi Ed., Rome, 1990)
    Sergio Lenci (FAIA) - l’opera architettonica 1950-2000 (Diagonale Ed., Rome, 2000)
    Annali del Dipartimento di Architettura e Urbanistica per l’Ingegneria (Gangemi Ed., Rome, 2005)
    Lo sguardo sul muro, architettura dei particolari e gusto dell’imperfezione. By Massimo Birindelli, edited by Ruggero Lenci (Mancosu Ed., Rome, 2006)

    He has published on the “Enciclopedia Italiana - Treccani” the following biographies:
    John Mac Lane Johansen; I.M. Pei; Paolo Soleri; Bruno Zevi.
    During the last two decades Ruggero Lenci has constantly written essays in International magazines, in particular “l’ARCA” (UCX Architects, etc.), and “L’architettura cronache e storia” (Patkau, Adele Naudé Santos, Andrea Leers, etc.), contributing to promote architecture as a critic and as an opinion maker.
    He is a co-founder and co-editor of the “Annali” of the “Dipartimento di Architettura e Urbanistica per l’Ingegneria”, an yearly book collecting essays on architecture and urban design written by Professors and Ph.D.’s of the School of Engineering - Architecture of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.

    Ruggero Lenci designs and builds architecture. He has won prizes in more than 28 national or international design competitions. Two international ones have been “Europan 1” - which led to build two housing buildings in the Venice area - and The Alexandrina Library in Egypt (Honorable mention). He has built over 30 designs (architectural, urban design, interior design).
    In addition he makes sculptures on the theme: ‘architectural dynamics and intersections’.

    He has exposed his architectural designs (visible at in fifty exhibitions and published in ninety books or magazines.
    Over one hundred of his essays on architectural design have been published in books or magazines. Five of his architectural designs have been published on the front cover of architectural magazines or books.

    Ruggero Lenci is interested in the following fields of research: designing the ‘empty spaces’; designing architecture at the urban scale; history, memory and innovation in didactics, theory and construction; inserting new buildings in existing and/or historical urban fabrics; housing design; function and expression (language) of architectural design; fractal geometry; structure and architecture; realism and abstraction; an open dialogue between architecture and sculpture.


    1990/1993 Practicing Assistant
    Architectural Design, 2nd year. With Prof. Maurizio Costa,
    School of Architecture, University of Rome "La Sapienza"

    1994 Practicing Assistant
    Architectural Design, 2nd year. With Prof. Prof. Barbara Cacciapuoti,
    School of Architecture, University of Rome "La Sapienza"

    1995/97 Assistant Professor
    Post Degree special course in Architectural Design. With Prof. Alessandro Anselmi
    School of Architecture, University of Rome "La Sapienza"

    1995/98 Assistant Professor
    Architectural Design, 3rd year of the Degree in Architecture
    School of Architecture, University of Rome "La Sapienza"

    1998/2005 Associate Professor
    Architectural Design, 5th year, Prof. Arch. Ruggero Lenci
    School of Engineering, University of Rome "La Sapienza"

    2006/2007 Associate Professor
    Architectural Design, 4th year, Prof. Arch. Ruggero Lenci
    School of Engineering, University of Rome "La Sapienza"

    1998/2007 Theses supervisor
    Over 150 final theses in architectural Design
    School of Engineering, University of Rome "La Sapienza"

    1999/2000 Professor
    Ph.D. program in Architectural - Engineering Design
    School of Engineering, University of Pavia

    2001/2007 Professor
    Ph.D. program in Architectural - Engineering Design
    School of Engineering, University of Rome "La Sapienza"


    1989 Research on housings for Elderly People
    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)

    1991 Incubatos, Scientific and Technological Parks
    Business Innovation Center, Lazio

    1991 Innovation and Territory
    Business Innovation Center, Lazio

    1992 Research of an existing building in the Frosinone area to be re-used to build an European Center for Quality Control.
    FILAS and BIC Lazio

    1993 Scientific parks and their economic and productive impacts
    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)

    1996 Fractal architecture
    Dipartimento di Progettazione Architettonica e Urbana

    1996 Housing architecture
    Dipartimento di Progettazione Architettonica e Urbana

    1997 Multimedia design
    University research Dipartimento di Progettazione Architettonica e Urbana

    2001 New and existing stations along the railways belt of Rome
    Faculty research
    Dipartimento di Architettura e Urbanistica per l’Ingegneria

    2002 Redesigning the Hospital Umberto 1 in Rome
    Department research
    Dipartimento di Architettura e Urbanistica per l’Ingegneria

    2003 The architecture of Ludovico Quaroni and Mario Fiorentino
    Faculty research

    2004 A ‘cultured’ architectural design in Rome between profession and didactics
    Faculty research

    2005 The “Studio Asse” design in Rome and his promotors: Vincio Delleani, Mario Fiorentino, Riccardo Morandi, Lucio Passarelli, Ludovico Quaroni, Bruno Zevi
    Faculty research

    2006 The “Studio Asse” design and the “Asse Attrezzato” in Rome
    Faculty research

    2007 The Theses in Architectural Design
    Faculty research

    2007 Dynamic intersections
    Faculty research


    1984 The Italian rationalism
    Norvegian Institute in Rome

    1987 "Linguistic Acquisitions in Contemporary Achitecture"
    S. Francisco Architectural Club, S. Francisco

    1990 The Italian Institute of Architecture In/Arch after 30 years
    In/Arch, Rome

    1990 The Alexandrina Library
    Department of architecture and city analysis

    1990 Computer in designing the spaces of mankind
    School of Engineering, Perugia

    1993 IGI Design Competition presentation
    Expo Palace, Rome

    1993 Scientific and Technological Parks
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1993 Conference on the Ph.D.. in Architectural Design
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1994 Architecture and Computer
    Institute of Architecture - In/Arch, Rome

    1996 Fractal Geometry and Architecture
    Department of Architectural and Urban Design, School of Architecture, Rome

    1997 A new view of reality: fractals
    Ordine degli Architetti (Chapter), Pesaro, Italy

    1997 Presentation of the design entry at the competition for residential typologies in Bergamo
    Department of Architectural and Urban Design, School of Architecture, Rome

    1999 Presentation of the design entry at the competition for the Italia Congress Center, Rome-Eur
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1999 Presentation of the design entry at the competition for the Italia Congress Center, Rome-Eur
    School of Engineering, Rome

    1999 Confererence on four deisgns entered at the competition for the expansion of the IUAV School of Architecture of Venice
    School of Engineering, Rome

    2002 The language of Contemporary Architecture
    Ph.D. Program, School of Engineering, Rome

    2002 The architecture of Sergio Lenci. Exhibition and conference
    School of Architecture, Rome

    2003 International Congress on Railroad Stations
    Organizer: Recuperare l’Edilizia, SAIE, Bologna

    2004 Presentation of the book of Mario Antonio Arnaboldi: “Architettura dialoghi e lettere”
    Institute of Architecture - In/Arch, Rome

    2004 Conference with I. M. Pei for his Laurea Honoris Causa
    School of Architettura “Valle Giulia”, Rome

    2006 Rome 1967-1970: “Asse Attrezzato and Studio Asse, history and actuality”
    San Luca Academy, Rome

    2006 Presentation of the book “Studio Passarelli, cento anni cento progetti”
    Rotary Club, Hotel Bernini, Rome

    2007 Pietro Barucci: Designing and Building Rome
    School of Engineering, Rome

    2007 Lucio Passarelli: Designing and Building Rome
    School of Engineering, Rome

    2007 Entitling an alley to the Memory of Sergio Lenci, located in Villa Torlonia, Rome (speech)
    With the Major of Rome Walter Veltroni, Villa Torlonia, Rome (March 20, 2007)

    2007 Presentation of the book “Didactics and Architecture – Theses in Architectural Design”
    House of Architecture, Rome Board of Architects (December 4, 2007)

    2007 The Tiber River in Rome – unresolved problems and proposals
    Canottieri Tevere Remo, Rome (December 10, 2007)

    2007 Presentation of the Exhibition “Ravenna Moderna – Nino Manzone Architetto 1924-1996”
    Casa Matha, Ravenna Board of Architects (December 14, 2007)

    2008 The Tiber River in Rome – a constantly hill river
    Regione Lazio, Rome (January 29, 2008)

    2008 Nilda Valentin about Moshe Safdie
    School of Engineering “La Sapienza”, Rome (February 14, 2008)


    1996 Architettura e progetto urbano: Maputo e le città intermedie del Mozambico.
    Lecturer Prof. Arch. Antonino Saggio
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1996 Il Baumeister Rodolfo Petracco. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Domenico Lugini
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1996 Guide per progettare. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Piero Ostilio Rossi
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1997 Architettura e Paesaggio. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Enrico Genovesi
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1997 Viaggio in Oriente. Lecturers Prof. Arch. Rossana Battistacci & Franca Bossalino
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1997 Tipo e progetto nell’edilizia residenziale: l’esempio di Genova. Prof. Arch. M. Grazia Corsini
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1997 Frank Gehry a Bilbao. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Giorgio Romoli
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1997 Il Grande Raccordo Anulare. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Sergio Lenci
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1997 Iannis Xenakis. Lecturer Arch. Alessandra Capanna
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1997 La geometria fantastica di Mauritius Cornelius Escher. Lecturer Prof. Michele Emmer
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1997 Studio Ascarelli Macciocchi Parisio. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Gianni Ascarelli
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1997 Cooper & Carry recent projects. Lecturer Arch. Jerome M. Cooper FAIA
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1997 Da Flatlandia alla quarta dimensione. Lecturer Prof. Michele Emmer
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1997 Kamran Diba, opere di architettura in Iran. Lecturer Arch. Kamran Diba
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1997 Arte e architettura, progetti per un museo a Maputo, Prof. Arch. Antonino Saggio
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1997 L’architettura del frammento. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Luigi Calcagnile
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1997 “Finestra” rapporto su una ricerca in corso. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Livio Quaroni
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1997 Sergio Petruccioli, vivere il progetto. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Sergio Petruccioli
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1997 Composite conditions, Architecture of Leers Weinzapfel & Associates
    Lecturers Prof. Arch. Andrea Leers & Arch. Jane Weinzapfel
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1998 My way in Architectural Design. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Wang Yi
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1998 Master plan for the front gate area of Beijing. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Bian Lan Chun
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1998 Progetti e ricerche di architettura in Ecuador.
    Lecturers Prof. Arch. Belisario Palacio & Fernando Recalde
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1998 L’albero rosso. Lecturer Arch. Manuela Semmelmann
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1998 Progettazione architettonica e costruzione della città
    Lecturer Prof. Arch. Xabier Unzurrunzaga
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1998 Rifare il nuovo. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Cristiana Marcosano Dall’Erba
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1999 Poeme Electronique di Le Corbusier. Lecturer Arch. Valerio Casali
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1999 Omologie di Architettura. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Enrico Genovesi
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1999 De Architectura di Vitruvio. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Franca Bossalino
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1999 Ultimi sviluppi della Scuola di Graz. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Klaus Kada
    School of Architecture, Rome

    2000 Exhibition and conference on the works by Arriola & Fiol
    School of Architecture, Rome

    2000 Conference of Tadao Ando
    Ergife Hotel, Rome

    2000 The architecture of Maurizio Sacripanti. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Giuseppe Berti
    School of Engineering, Rome

    2002 Musums architecture. Lecturer Arch. Marco della Torre
    School of Engineering, Rome

    2002 The architecture of Adele Naudé Santos. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Adele Naudé Santos FAIA
    School of Engineering, Rome

    2003 Subway Stations. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Gianni Ascarelli
    School of Engineering, Rome

    2003 Railroad Stations in Rome. Lecturer Eng. Carlo De Vito
    School of Engineering, Rome

    2003 Less matter more intelligence. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Mario Antonio Arnaboldi
    School of Engineering, Rome

    2003 The architectural works in San Paulo of Giancarlo Gasperini.
    Lecturer Prof. Arch. Giancarlo Gasperini
    School of Engineering, Rome

    2003 Two designs by Alessandro Anselmi: the Fiumicino City Hall and the Congress Center at the Tiburtino Technopark. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Alessandro Anselmi
    School of Engineering, Rome

    2004 What an Incubator is? Lecturer Luigi Campitelli
    School of Engineering, Rome

    2004 Architecture in Brazil: from the Ministry of Education in Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Roberto Segre
    School of Engineering, Rome

    2004 Two architectural designs of Studio ABDR. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Paolo Desideri
    School of Engineering, Rome

    2006 A-temporality of Architecture. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Mario Antonio Arnaboldi
    School of Engineering, Rome

    2006 The architecture of Law-Court Buildings. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Andrea Leers
    School of Engineering, Rome

    2007 The architecture of Elio Piroddi. LecturerProf. Arch. Elio Piroddi
    In/Arch, Rome

    2007 Urban Ecology. Lecturer Prof. Arch. Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi
    School of Engineering, Rome

    2008 Moshe Safdie. Lecturer Prof. Arch. iIlda Valentin
    School of Engineering, Rome


    1985 Member of the jury of the architectural competition on Travertine marble design
    Provincia of Rome

    1988 Design critic in architectural design. Study abroad program
    Carnegie Mellon University, Rome

    1990 Design critic in architectural design. Study abroad program
    Carnegie Mellon University, Rome

    1993 Incubator in Ferentino – Member of the bidding committee
    BIC Lazio S.p.A., Rome

    1994 From 1994 member in exams committees
    School of Architecture, University of Rome "La Sapienza"

    1995 Member in committee for the architectural registration exams
    School of Architecture, University of Rome "La Sapienza"

    1996 Member in the Council of the Department of Architectural and Urban Design
    School of Architecture, University of Rome "La Sapienza"

    1996 From 1996 member in the committees of theses in architectural design
    School of Architecture, University of Rome "La Sapienza"

    1999 From 1996 member in the committees of theses in architectural design
    School of Engineering, University degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"

    1999 From 1999 President in the Exams Committees
    School of Engineering, University degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"

    1999 Member of the Board of professors of the Ph.D. in Architectural and Engineering Design
    School of Engineering, University of Pavia

    2001 Member of the Board of the Department of Architecture and Urban Design for Engineering
    School of Engineering, University degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"

    2001 Member of the Board of professors of the Ph.D. in Architectural and Engineering Design
    School of Engineering, University degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"

    2001 Member of the Committee for the Competition of the “Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Edile XVII ciclo” (Ph.D.)
    School of Engineering, University degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"

    2003 UNDP Mission – United Nations Development Program – in Algeria for new Jail Design
    United Nations Development Program and Italian and Algerian Ministry of Justice

    2004 Member of the Committee for the Competition for the use in architecture of “Tufa” stone
    School of Engineering, University degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"

    2004 Member of the Committee for the Competition of the “Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Edile XX ciclo” (Ph.D.) School of Engineering, University degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"

    2004 Member of the Committee for the “Laurea Honoris Causa” to I. M. Pei
    Aula magna, “Rettorato of La Sapienza” University

    2004 Member of the Committee for the competition to Associate Professor
    School of Architecture of Siracusa

    2006 Member of the Committee for the Competition of the “Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Edile XXII ciclo” (Ph.D.) School of Engineering, University degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"

    2007 - Design critic in architectural design. Study abroad program
    Catholic University of Washington, Rome


    1979 CONI Competition for theses in architectural designs on Sport facilities
    First prize

    1984 Area Standiana Park, Ravenna
    First prize ex-aequo

    1984 Hospital in Muro Lucano, Basilicata
    First prize

    1986 ACER Competition for elderly housing
    Mentioned (third prize ex-aequo)

    1986 Interior design of the Banco San Paolo, Turin
    Fourth prize

    1987 Social and Sport Center, Botticino

    1989 International Housing competition Europan 1
    Prized (built in Favaro Veneto in 2001)

    1989 International competition for the New Alexan¬drina Library
    Honorable mention (fourth prize ex-aequo)

    1990 ACER Competition: Which kind of periphery for Rome as a capital city

    1991 Redesigning the “Old Sport Field” Park in Santarcangelo di Romagna
    First prize

    1991 A new idea for an Italian city, Rome (IGI - Istituto Grandi Infrastrutturre)

    1994 Tor Tre Teste Catholic Church, Rome

    1997 “Cento Piazze competition” Ugo Bassi Steps, Rome

    1997 New Housing development, Bergamo

    1997 New Office buildings for the Ministry of Defence, Rome
    Second prize

    1998 International competition for housing typologies in the island BO 2000, Sweden

    1998 International competition for the “Italia Congress Center”, Rome - EUR

    1999 International competition for the Jubilee pedestrian bridge, Rome
    Among the six winners

    1999 A new entrance to the Frasassi caves, Genga
    Second prize

    2000 International competition for the urban district of San Lorenzo, Rome
    First prize ex-aequo

    2001 Maurizio Sacripanti Prize – “Rome Architecture"

    2002 Tokyo, life-plan for the new century: housing design

    2004 Housing complex for Carabinieri in” Caserma Salvo D’Acquisto” Rome
    First prize

    2005 Catholic Church entitled to S. Pio da Pietrelcina
    Second ex-aequo

    2006 A sculpture in Pomezia, Rome
    Second prize

    2006 Monument to the victims of Nassiriya, Rome

    2007 International competition RFI for small Railway Stations

    2007 Elderly housing in Guidonia, Italy
    First prize


    “Il Pineto; verde e servizi per un nuovo parco urbano”
    In: I QUADERNI DI ROMA n.3, 1978

    Essay on the USA Pavilion at the International Expò in Knoxville, (FABRAP)
    In: L'ARCHITETTURA CRONACHE E STORIA n. 326, Dec.1982, p. 846

    Essay on the Baseball Stadium in Bayamon, Puerto Rico, U.S.A., (Torres, Bauchamp, Marvel)
    In: L'ARCHITETTURA CRONACHE E STORIA n.353, March 1985, p. 191

    Prize ceremony in the Competition “Terza Età”
    In: COSTRUTTORI ROMANI, Oct. 1986, p. 20

    “CAD e verifica morfologica”
    In: L'EDILIZIA ECONOMICA E POPOLARE, by G.Imbrighi, N.I.S.,1987, p. 108

    “Lavori del Dottorato di Ricerca in Composizione Architettonica”
    In: BOLLETTINO DPAU (Dip. Prog. Arch. e Urb.), Gangemi Ed., Dec. 1988, pp. 43, 47, 50, 54, 59, 62

    “Architettura ed alta definizione”
    In: PIXEL n.6, 1989, p. 7 + front cover

    “Trenta lezioni di architettura più una” (editing and introduction)
    Terzo ANNALE del Dipart. di Progettaz. Arch.e Urb., Gangemi Ed., Apr. 1990

    “Il computer nella progettazione degli spazi e dell'ambiente dell'uomo”
    In: Quad. Lab. dis. autom. 1, Univ. di Perugia, Fac. Ing., Galeno Ed., 1990, p. 89

    “Progetto e Animazione”
    In: Quad. Lab. dis. autom. 2, Univ. di Perugia, Fac. Ing., Galeno Ed., 1990, p. 77

    “Le acquisizioni linguistiche dell’architettura contemporanea tra contenuto ed espressione”
    Ph.D. essay in Architectural Design, 1990

    “Sintesi della dissertazione del Dottorato di Ricerca in Composizione Architettonica”
    In: BOLLETTINO DPAU (Dip. Prog. Arch. e Urb.), Gangemi Ed., Dec. 1990, p. 32

    “Rapporto tra luogo e progetto costruito nei codici linguistici dell'architettura contemporanea”
    in: L'IDENTITA' COME PROCESSO, di Paola Coppola Pignatelli, Officina Ed., Rome, 1992, pp. 285…

    Encyclopedic item: Bruno Zevi
    In: 5th Appendix of the Italian Encyclopedia Treccani, 1993

    Encyclopedic item: Jeoh Ming Pei
    In: 5th Appendix of the Italian Encyclopedia Treccani, 1993

    Encyclopedic item: Paolo Soleri
    In: 5th Appendix of the Italian Encyclopedia Treccani, 1993

    Encyclopedic item: John Mac Lane Johansen
    In: 5th Appendix of the Italian Encyclopedia Treccani, 1993

    “L'eredità dell'Unità di Abitazione: l'Unità Abitativa”
    In: EDILIZIA POPOLARE n. 228/229, July/Oct. 1993, p. 58

    “Incontro nazionale dei dottorati in materie compositive”
    In: RICERCA E PROGETTO n. 4, Gangemi Ed., 1994, p. 98

    “Dottorato di Ricerca”
    In: La ricerca nel Dottorato in Composizione Architettonica n. 9, Gangemi Ed., 1995, p. 96

    “Incontro nazionale dei dottorati in materie compositive”
    In: La ricerca nel Dottorato in Composizione Architettonica n. 9, Gangemi Ed., 1995, p. 123

    “L'artigianato artistico del Lazio: La creatività delle Regioni d'Europa” (editing of the book)
    Fabulhouse Ed., Rome 1995

    “Gran papocchio al concorso romano del Borghetto Flaminio”
    In: L'ARCHITETTURA CRONACHE E STORIA n. 478-79, pp. 548

    “Borghetto al condizionale”
    In: COSTRUIRE n. 153, Feb. 1996, p. 117

    “Massimiliano Fuksas: oscillazioni e sconfinamenti”
    Universale di Architettura diretta da Bruno Zevi, Testo & Immagine Ed., Turin, 1996

    “La sezione aurea, il frattale di Mandelbrot e l'architettura”
    In: RICERCA E PROGETTO n. 7, Gangemi Ed., 1996, pp. 88-90

    “Progettare l'architettura con il lapis e il computer”
    In: MC MICROCOMPUTER n. 164, July/Aug. 1996, p. 173

    “L'Auditorium rivisitato”
    In: COSTRUIRE n. 163, Dec. 1996, p. 127

    “Manzone Architetto”
    Gangemi Ed., Rome, 1997

    “Intorno all'Architettura dei Frattali”
    In: RICERCA E PROGETTO n. 9, Gangemi Ed., 1997, pp. 17-26

    “Realismo o Astrazione?”
    In: MC MICROCOMPUTER n. 181, Feb. 1998, pp. 161

    “I frattali in architettura e urbanistica”
    BOLLETTINO INU, March/April 1998, pp. 41-42

    “PAThos, KArma, Utopia - Architettura senza capriata di John e Patricia PATKAU”
    L'ARCHITETTURA CRONACHE E STORIA n.524, June 1999, pp. 346-368

    “Architettura e grafica nel progetto di un grattacielo”
    In: XY - DIMENSIONI DEL DISEGNO n. 9, Officina Ed., 1999, pp. 170-177

    “Sergio Lenci: l'opera architettonica 1950 – 2000” (editing of the book and introduction)
    Diagonale Ed., Rome, 2000

    Review of the book "Silenziose Avanguardie" by Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi
    In: L'INDUSTRIA DELLE COSTRUZIONI, n. 357/358, July/Aug. 2001, pp. 78-80

    Review of the book "Tempi e Spazi" by Laura Thermes
    In: L'INDUSTRIA DELLE COSTRUZIONI, n. 360, Sept./Oct. 2001, pp. 80-81

    “Caratteri di permanenza e di temporaneità nell'architettura di Giuseppe Nicolosi”
    In: RASSEGNA DI ARCHITETTURA E URBANISTICA, Officina Ed., Rome, 2002, n. 106-108, pp. 102-108

    “Centro Cuore, Ospedale San Carlo, Potenza” (written with Ugo Tesler)
    In: TECNICA OSPEDALIERA, n. 10, Nov. 2001, pp. 44-52

    “Chilling Water Plant at the University of Pennsylvania”
    (design by Leers Weinzapfel Associates Architects, Inc.)
    In: L'ARCHITETTURA CRONACHE E STORIA, Dec. 2001, n. 554, pp.724-731 + front cover

    “Nuovo Presidio Ospedaliero della Versilia”
    In: TECNICA OSPEDALIERA, n. 5, May 2002, pp. 64-70

    “Massimiliano Fuksas e Paolo Portoghesi: Hon. FAIA 2002”
    In: AR n. 43, Sept./Oct. 2002, pp. 41-42

    “Reperti grafici di architettura”
    In: L’ARCHITETTURA IN COPERTINA, May 2003, p. 46
    Dialogue among landscape and architecture in the work of Adele Naudé Santos
    In: L'ARCHITETTURA CRONACHE E STORIA, n. 569, March 2003, pp. 172-199

    Seven projects and an International competition for the World Trade Center Memorial
    In: AR, Bimestrale Ordine Architetti, n. 45, Jan./Feb. 2003, pp. 46-49

    Notes on the two “Testudinati minori dell’Auditorium di Roma”
    In: AR, Bimestrale Ordine Architetti, n. 45, Jan./Feb. 2003, pp. 28-29

    Review of the book "Tre parole" by Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi
    In: L’INDUSTRIA DELLE COSTRUZIONI, n. 369, Jan./Feb. 2003, pp. 98-99

    “The Water Cube a Pechino dei PTW Architects”
    In: L'ARCA, Dec. 2003, pp. 34-43

    Speech at the International Congress SAIE-Bologna: “Nodi infrastrutturqali per la città contemporanea”
    In: RECUPERARE L’EDILIZIA, Jan. 2004, pp. 21-22

    “La nuvola sopra l’EUR – Il Centro Congressi Italia” (design by Massimiliano Fuksas)
    In: AR, Nov./Dec. 2003, pp.34-38

    “La città condivisa”
    Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, 2003, pp. 177-182

    “I.M. Pei – teoremi spaziali”
    Universale di Architettura, Testo & Immagine Ed., Turin, 2004

    “Impermanenze architettoniche” (introduction at the book by Mario Antonio Arnaboldi)
    In: Mario Antonio Arnaboldi, Architettura: dialoghi e lettere, il progetto fra tecnica e modernità
    Mimesis Ed., Milan, 2004, pp. 15-24

    “Per un progetto ontologico dell’architettura”
    In: Annali del DAU - Dipartimento di Architettura e Urbanistica dell’Ingegneria,
    Gangemi Ed., Rome, 2004, pp. 201-210 (+ introduction and editing of the book)

    Sustainable Housing Design
    In: New Technical and Cultural Challanges for Environmental Sustainability, Rio de Janeiro, 4-7 Oct. 2004

    “Una candida presenza mediterranea: Nuova Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università degli Studi di Messina”
    (design by Marcello Rebecchini)
    In: L'ARCHITETTURA CRONACHE E STORIA, n. 591, Jan. 2005, pp. 26-35

    “Architettura per i campus universitari” (design by Leers Weinzapfel Associates Architects, Inc.)
    In: L'ARCHITETTURA CRONACHE E STORIA, n. 594, April 2005, pp. 230-243

    Presentation of ”UCX architects”
    In: L'ARCA, n. 203, May 2005, pp. 22-35

    Design Competition on the innovative use of Tufa stone
    In: Linee del DAU, Palombi Ed., Rome, n. 2, 2005, pp. 36-37

    “Per sottrazione: Adrenalin Tower, Rotterdam”
    In: L'ARCA, n. 205, July/Aug. 2005, pp. 42-47

    “Lenci Valentin – Theorematic Architecture”
    with Nilda Valentin, Mancosu Ed., Rome, 2005

    Interview at Ruggero Lenci and Nilda Valentin, by Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi
    In: PresS/Tletter n. 35/2005

    “Massimo Birindelli – Lo sguardo sul muro, Architettura dei particolari e gusto dell’imperfezione”
    (introduction and editing of the book)
    Mancosu Ed., Rome, 2006

    “Studio Passarelli – cento anni cento progetti”
    Electa Ed., Milan, 2006

    Presentation of the book “Studio Passarelli – cento anni cento progetti”
    In: PresS/Tletter, n. 17/2006

    “Fortuna critica dell’Asse Attrezzato”
    In: Catalogue of the exhibition on the “Asse Attrezzato”, Bruno Zevi Foundation,San Luca Academy, April 2006

    Nuova copertura del Marco Aurelio al Campidoglio di Carlo Aymonino
    In: L'ARCA, n. 214, May 2006, p. 92

    “Essenzialità funzionale – Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università di Messina”
    In: L'ARCA, n. 214, May 2006, pp. 26-33

    “Ve-Ma Agricultural Architecture”
    In: PreS/Tletter, n. 36-2006

    “Chiesa di San Pio da Pietrelcina”
    In: Linee del DAU, Palombi Ed., Rome, n. 3, 2007, pp. 38-41

    “Dieci anni di architettura 1996-2006, by Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi - Tema o problema?”
    In: PreS/Tletter, n. 15-2007

    Open letter to Giorgio Muratore in occasion of Viale Sergio Lenci in Villa Torlonia, Rome
    In:, 2007

    “Dentro – House in a House, Hamburg”, by Behnish Architects
    In: L'ARCA, n. 228, Sept. 2007, pp. 10-17


    “Il Pineto, un parco per Roma” (pubblication of the thesis)
    In: PAESE SERA, 3 Oct. 1978; by Alfonso Testa

    “Architettura Bioclimatica”
    In: L'ARCHITETTURA CRONACHE E STORIA, n. 335, Aug./Sept. 1983, p. 631

    “Architettura Bioclimatica”
    In: Catalogue by ENEA and In/Arch, 1983

    Competition “Tête Défense”
    In: Competition catalog, 1983

    Competition for the “Parco attrezzato dell'area Standiana”
    In: PROGETTARE - D.P.A.U., Rome, Dec. 1984, p. 70

    Competition for the “Parco attrezzato dell'area Standiana”
    In: URBANISTICA n. 78, Feb. 1985, p. 116

    Competition for the “Parco attrezzato dell'area Standiana”
    In: Ravenna città di Progetto, Cluva Ed., Ve, 1985, pp. 198-201

    Competition for the “Biennale di Venezia, Ca’ Venier dei Leoni”
    In: Terza Mostra Internazionale di Architettura II, Electa, Milan, 1985, p. 597

    Competition for “Tipologie abitative per anziani”
    In: TERZA ETA', Acer, 1986, pp. 124-129

    “Piano di Zona Mistica II”
    In: IL SECONDO PEEP DI ROMA - U.S.P.R. Documenti 12, 1986, pp. 183-186

    “Ambiente Bagno di casa Fabrizi a Roma”
    In: IL BAGNO n.75, Oct. 1986, p. 312

    Competition for the “Parco del P. Navile e Manifattura Tabacchi, Bologna”
    In: Il Labirinto (Competition catalog) vol. 1, Grafis Ed., 1985, pp. 288-291

    Competition for the “Teatro Amintore Galli, Rimini”
    In: La città e il teatro, Maggioli Ed., Rimini, 1986, p. 227

    Competition for “Tipologie abitative per anziani”
    In: Terza Età, ACER, 1986, pp. 124-129

    Competition for the “Area della Caserma Zucchi a Reggio Emilia”
    In: PARAMETRO n. 160, 1987, p. 34

    Competition for the Expansion of the School of Architecture of Rpme
    In: Bollettino del Dipartimento di Dis. Industr. e Produz. edil., March 1988, p. 42

    Competition for the Expansion of the School of Architecture of Rpme
    In: La Facoltà di Architettura di Roma progetta la sua sede, Gangemi Ed., 1988, p. 105

    Competition for a Social and Sport Center in Botticino (Brescia)
    In: CASABELLA, Sept. 1988, p. 32

    Competition for the “Area della Caserma Zucchi a Reggio Emilia”
    In: BOLLETTINO DPAU (Dip. Prog. Arch. e Urb.), Gangemi Ed., Nov. 1988, p. 67

    International Competition “Europan 1” for new housing units
    In: EDILIZIA POPOLARE n. 206-207, March/April 1989, p. 90

    Competition for the Design of Piazza Amedeo D’Aosta, Milan
    In: Competition catalog, 1989

    International Competition “Europan 1” for new housing units
    In: Competition catalog CER-Aniacap, 1989, pp. 208-209

    International Competition “Europan 1” for new housing units
    In: TECHNIQUES & ARCHITECTURE n. 2, 1989, p. 16

    International Competition “Europan 1” for new housing units
    In: ARREDO URBANO n. 34, p. 31

    International Competition “Europan 1” for new housing units

    International Competition “Europan 1” for new housing units
    In: RICERCA E PROGETTO (Dip. Prog. Arch. e Urb.), Gangemi Ed., June.1990, p. 56

    International Competition for the New Alexan¬drina Library
    In: BUILDING & DESIGN n. 957, p.30

    International Competition for the New Alexan¬drina Library
    In: Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Carte Segrete Ed., Rome, 1990, pp. 140-145

    International Competition for the New Alexan¬drina Library
    In: La Biblioteca ritrovata, Carte Segrete Ed., Rome, 1990, pp. 19, 30-33

    International Competition for the New Alexan¬drina Library
    In: La Biblioteca di Alessandria, Accademia di Egitto, Rome, 1990, p. 10

    International Competition for the New Alexan¬drina Library

    International Competition for the New Alexan¬drina Library
    In: RICERCA E PROGETTO (Dip. Prog. Arch. e Urb.), Gangemi Ed., June.1990, p. 71

    International Competition for the New Alexan¬drina Library
    In: ARTE IN n. 1, Feb. 1990, p. 46

    Design of a satellite city for 8.000 inhabitants, Rome
    In: STORIA DELLA CITTA', ELECTA, June 1990, p. 98

    Architectural designs by Sergio Lenci, Ruggero Lenci, Nilda Valentin
    In: PROGETTI DI ARCHITETTURA, Officina Ed., Rome, 1990, p. 85

    “Un esempio dall'Umbria: I progetti per Assisi”
    In: ROMA CENTRO n. 11, Assessorato al Centro Storico di Roma, 1990, p. 111

    International Competition for the “Recupero dell’ex campo di concentramento di Fossoli”
    In: Trentacinque progetti per Fossoli, Electa Ed., Milan, 1990, pp. 206-209

    International Competition “Europan 1” for new housing units – Design for Spinea
    In: PANDORA Editions, 1991, p. 68

    “Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico dell'area Mediterranea”
    In: IL MONDO; Speciale Lazio; 22/7/1991, p. 2

    National Competition ACER – “Quale Periferia per Roma Capitale”

    National Competition ACER – “Quale Periferia per Roma Capitale”
    In: Quale Periferia per Roma Capitale?, Gestedil Ed., Rome, 1992, pp. 72-77

    National Competition ACER – “Quale Periferia per Roma Capitale”
    In: RICERCA e PROGETTO n. 1, Gangemi Ed., Rome, Jan.1993, p. 68

    National Competition IGI – “Un'idea per ogni città”
    In: ROMA CAPITALE, Apr. 1993

    “A casa in città – International Competition “Europan 3“
    In: ARCHIMEDIA n. 3, 1994, p. 18 + front cover

    Three images of designs by Ruggero Lenci & Nilda Valentin
    In: RICERCA e PROGETTO n. 4, Gangemi Ed., Rome, 1994, pp. 99, 101, 104

    Competition for a new school in Trento
    In: La Scuola, il Fiume, la Città, Prov. Aut. di Trento, 1994, p. 156

    Competition for a new Parish Church in Tor Tre Teste district, Rome
    In: Catalogo dei progetti, l’ARCA, Milan, 1994, p. 134

    Centro Servizi Quintel: a new technological center
    In: L'ARCA n. 93, 1995, p. 90

    “Nuova vita per il Fungo” (dell'EUR)
    In: L'ARCA n. 98, 1995, p. 93

    Competition for a new Parish Church in Tor Tre Teste district, Rome
    In: RICERCA e PROGETTO n. 5/6, Gangemi Ed., Rome, 1995, p. 41

    Competition for a new Parish Church in Tor Tre Teste district, Rome
    In: La nuova chiesa, Electa, Milan, 1995, pp. 58-59

    “Galleria degli Uffici”
    In: COSTRUIRE n. 154, 1996, p. 90

    “Centro Servizi Quintel, Ferentino”
    In: Pino Scaglione, Oltre i Maestri, EDIZIONI D'ARCHITETTURA, 1996, p. 162

    International Competition “Borghetto Flaminio”
    In: MC MICROCOMPUTER n. 161, 1996, p. 153

    International Competition “Borghetto Flaminio”
    In: MC MICROCOMPUTER n. 164, 1996, p. 173

    “Polo Tecnologico a Ferentino”

    “Restauro del moderno all'EUR: la ristrutturazione del Fungo"
    In: L'INDUSTRIA DELLE COSTRUZIONI, Jan. 1997, pp. 58-59

    “Santiago del Cile Square, Rome”
    In: MC MICROCOMPUTER n. 171, 1997, p. 172

    International Competition “Borghetto Flaminio”
    In: L'INDUSTRIA DELLE COSTRUZIONI, April 1997, p. 60

    Competition for a new low income housing district, Bergamo
    In: EDILIZIA POPOLARE, Nov./Dec. 1997, p. 76

    Competition for a new low income housing district, Bergamo
    In: RICERCA E PROGETTO n. 9/10, Gangemi Ed., Rome, 1997, pp. 106-109

    “Refection du Moderne au quartier de l’EUR: restaurant Il Fungo, Rome“
    In: PROGETTO ROMA, la faculté d’architecture et la ville de l’an 2000, Istituto Italiano
    di Cultura in Libano, Beyrouth, 1997, p. 19

    “Restauro del Moderno all’EUR: il ristorante il Fungo, Rome”
    In: Progettare Roma, Gangemi Ed., Roma, 1998, pp. 20-21

    International Competition “Borghetto Flaminio”
    In: RICERCA E PROGETTO n. 11/12, Gangemi Ed., Rome, 1998, pp. 123-124

    International Competition for new pedestrian bridgesfor the Jubilee Year, Rome
    In: L'INDUSTRIA DELLE COSTRUZIONI, Feb. 1999, n. 328, pp. 64-65

    Competition for New office buildings for Defense Ministry, Rome
    In: Progetti per il comprensorio di via Marsala, Gangemi Ed., Rome, 1999, pp. 68-71

    International Competition for Italia Congress Center, Rome - EUR
    In: Pino Scaglione, Eur a Roma, Testo & Immagine Ed., Torino, 2000, p. 85, Rome, 2000

    International Competition for “Science” Bridge, Rome
    In: Competition catalog, 2000

    International Competition for Italia Congress Center, Rome - EUR
    In: Centro Congressi Italia Eur, Alinea Ed., Florence, 2000, pp. 136-137

    “Centro Servizi Quintel, Ferentino”
    In: TECLA – AZIONI DI INTERNAZIONALIZZAZIONE, Rome, 2000, pp. 6, 11, 40, 46, 56, 102

    International Competition for Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, Washington D.C.
    In: L'INDUSTRIA DELLE COSTRUZIONI, Nov./Dec. 2000, n. 349/350, pp. 60-62

    “Dal concorso alla realizzazione: alloggi in cooperativa per Europan 1”
    In: EDILIZIA POPOLARE, Text by Massimo Bilò, n. 267/268, Oct./Nov./Dec. 2000, pp. 118-123

    “Hardware & Software Tower”
    In: L'INDUSTRIA DELLE COSTRUZIONI, may 2001, pp. 73-75

    “Dall’Unità di abitazione all’unità abitativa – 18 alloggi nel comune di Venezia”
    In: ‘ARCHITETTURA CRONACHE E STORIA, June, 2001, pp. 326-333

    “Centro servizi Quintel a Ferentino”
    In: ‘ARCHITETTURA CRONACHE E STORIA, June, 2001, pp. 334-336

    “Unità abitative “Europan 1” a Favaro Veneto”
    In: L'INDUSTRIA DELLE COSTRUZIONI, June, 2001, Text by Elio Piroddi, pp. 48-55

    International Competition for the Trasformation and Urban Renewal of San Lorenzo District, Rome
    In: Trasformazione e Rinnovo Urbano dell'Area di San Lorenzo a Roma, Gangemi Ed., Rome, 2001, pp. 35-38

    “Trasformazione e Rinnovo Urbano dell'Area di San Lorenzo a Roma”
    In: l'ARCA, Sept. 2001, pp. 48-49

    “Unità abitative “Europan 1” a Favaro Veneto”
    In: IL NUOVO CORRIERE DEI COSTRUTTORI, N:7/8, July/Aug. 2001, pp. 59-62 + front cover

    “Due bianche presenze”
    In: ARCHINGEO, Jan. 2002, Text by Franco Purini, pp. 14-15

    “Cintura ferroviaria e linee locali sovrapposte: come chiudere l’anello ferroviario”

    Beyond interrupted architecture. Themes and results of Europan Italy competitions
    World Congress on Housing Housing Process & Product, Montreal, Canada 23-27 giugno 2003
    by: R. Morganti, A. Pelliccio, Departiment of Mecanics, Structures, Environment, Faculty of Cassino

    “Pannelli Natural Set e Natural proteg”
    In: ITALIA OGGI, 17 Dec. 2003, presentation by Riccardo Bonetti, p. 42

    Unità abitative “Europan 1” a Favaro Veneto
    In: l'ARCA, Sept. 2003, n. 184, p. 90

    “La Cultura del Fiume: Consulto internazionale di idee per il Tevere”
    In: Forum Tevere, Prospettive Ed., Rome, 2003, pp. 81, 130-131

    “Terrazze sul Tevere”
    In: l’ARCA, n. 198, Dec. 2004, p. 99

    Architectural Designs of “Studio Lenci Valentin”
    In: INSIDE, Idea Architecture Books Ed., Schio, 2005, pp. 176-179

    “Lenci Valentin – Theorematic Architecture”
    Mancosu Ed., Rome, 2005

    Years 1955-2000. (invited to publish a drawing for the last issue of the Bruno Zevi’s magazine)
    In: L'ARCHITETTURA CRONACHE E STORIA, n. 600/1/2, Oct./Nov./Dec. 2005, p. 578

    Monument to the Victims of Nassiriya, Rome
    In: l’ARCA, n. 219, Nov. 2006, pp. 80-81

    Parish Church “San Pio da Pietrelcina”
    In: Linee del DAU, Palombi Ed., n. 3, 2007, pp 38-41

    International Competition for Italian Railway Stations
    In: RFI – Italian Railway Stations, Competition catalog, Ares Europa, 2007, pp. 62-63


    Alfonso Testa
    “Il Pineto, un parco per Roma” (publication of the thesis)
    In: Newspaper: Paese Sera, Oct. 3, 1978

    Giacomo Polin
    Competition for a Social and Sport Center in Botticino (Brescia)
    In: Casabella n. 549, Sept. 1988, p. 32

    Domizia Mandolesi
    Europan 1 International Competition
    In: L’Industria delle Costruzioni, Dec. 1989, n. 218, p. 83

    Giuseppe Strappa
    “La Biblioteca di Alessandria ritrovata”
    In: L’Industria delle Costruzioni, May 1989, n. 223, p. 71

    Enrico Guidoni
    “Sei città ideali: ragione, storia, arte”
    In: Storia della Città, Electa, Milan, 1990, pp. 87-121

    Giuseppe Strappa
    “Il concorso per la Nuova Biblioteca Alessandrina e il momento architettonico romano”
    In: La Biblioteca ritrovata, Carte Segrete, 1990, p. 15

    Franco Zagari
    “Il concorso per la Nuova Biblioteca Alessandrina”
    In: La Biblioteca ritrovata, Carte Segrete, 1990, p. 8

    Franco Zagari
    Alexandria turning point
    In: Bibliotheca Alexandrina, UNESCO/UNDP, Carte Segrete Ed., 1990, p. 48

    Marcello Rebecchini
    “Quale Periferia per Roma Capitale? Il contributo della Facoltà di Architettura al Concorso ACER”
    In: Ricerca e Progetto, n. 1, 1993, p. 48
    (ISBN: 88-7448-421-6)

    Donatella Orazi
    “Galleria degli Uffici”
    In: Costruire n. 154, March 1996, p. 90

    Pino Scaglione
    “Centro Servizi Quintel, Ferentino”
    In: Oltre i Maestri, Edizioni D’Architettura, 1996, p. 93 (ISBN: 88-7940-032-0)

    Nilda Valentin
    “Restauro del moderno all'EUR: la ristrutturazione del Fungo”
    In: L’Industria delle Costruzioni, Jan. 1997, pp. 58-59

    Domizia Mandolesi & Nilda Valentin
    International Competition “Borghetto Flaminio”
    In: L’Industria delle Costruzioni, April 1997, pp. 54-55, 60-61

    Marco Petreschi
    “Autodidattica e contaminazione - Libere riflessioni tratte dalla lettura di un libro di Ruggero Lenci
    attorno all’opera di Massimiliano Fuksas”
    In: Ricerca e Progetto, n. 11-12, 1998, pp. 178-181
    (ISSN: 1123-9263) (ISBN: 88-7448-996-X)

    Massimo Bilò
    “Dal concorso alla realizzazione: alloggi in cooperativa per Europan 1”
    In: Edilizia Popolare, n. 267/268, Oct./Nov./Dec. 2000, pp. 118-123

    Aldo Loris Rossi, Valter Bordini, Giuseppe Imbesi, Camillo Nucci (and others)
    “Trasformazione e rinnovo urbano dell’area di San Lorenzo a Roma”
    In: Competition Catalog, Gangemi Ed., Rome, 2001, p. 10
    (ISBN: 88-492-0155-9)

    Elio Piroddi
    “Unità abitative Europan 1 a Favaro Veneto”
    In: L’Industria delle Costruzioni, June, 2001, pp. 48-55

    Marco Petreschi
    From the unité d’habitation to a living habitat
    In: L’architettura cronache e storia, June 2001, pp. 326-333
    (ISSN: 0003-8830)

    Elio Piroddi
    “Unità abitative Europan 1 a Favaro Veneto”
    In: Il Nuovo Corriere dei Costruttori, n. 7/8, July/Aug. 2001, pp. 59-62

    Marcello Del Campo (Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi)
    San Lorenzo Neighbourhood “Concorso per Roma - Trasformazione e Rinnovo Urbano dell'Area di San Lorenzo”
    In: l'Arca n. 162, Sept. 2001, pp. 42-53
    (ISSN 0394-2147)

    Franco Purini
    “Due bianche presenze”
    In: Archingeo, Jan. 2002, pp. 14-15

    Gerardo Teta
    “Cintura ferroviaria e linee locali sovrapposte: come chiudere l’anello ferroviario”
    La Gazzetta della Capitale, n. 5, May 2002

    Renato Morganti (and others)
    Beyond interrupted architecture. Themes and results of Europan Italy competitions
    World Congress on Housing Process & Product, Montreal, Canada 23-27 June 2003

    Mario Antonio Arnaboldi
    “Un’essenza intelligente” (Unità abitative “Europan 1” Favaro Veneto)
    In: l'Arca, Sept. 2003, n. 184, p. 90
    (ISSN 0394-2147)

    Riccardo Bonetti
    “Una ricerca alla Sapienza sull’Innovazione Tecnologica”
    In: Italia Oggi, Dec. 17, 2003, p. 42

    Mario Antonio Arnaboldi
    “Terrazze sul Tevere in Rome”
    In: l’Arca, n. 198, Dec. 2004, p. 99
    (ISSN 0394-2147)

    Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi
    Interview to Ruggero Lenci and Nilda Valentin
    In: PresS/Tletter n. 35/2005

    Mario Antonio Arnaboldi
    In: Lenci Valentin – Theorematic Architecture
    Mancosu Ed., Rome, 2005, pp. 26-27
    (ISBN: 88-87017-43-3)

    Lucio Passarelli
    In: Lenci Valentin – Theorematic Architecture
    Mancosu Ed., Rome, 2005, pp. 28-29
    (ISBN: 88-87017-43-3)

    I.M. Pei
    In: Lenci Valentin – Theorematic Architecture
    Mancosu Ed., Rome, 2005, pp. 30-31
    (ISBN: 88-87017-43-3)

    Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi
    In: Lenci Valentin – Theorematic Architecture
    Mancosu Ed., Rome, 2005, pp. 32-35 (ISBN: 88-87017-43-3)

    Marcello Rebecchini
    In: Lenci Valentin – Theorematic Architecture
    Mancosu Ed., Rome, 2005, pp. 36-41
    (ISBN: 88-87017-43-3)

    Adele Naudé Santos
    In: Lenci Valentin – Theorematic Architecture
    Mancosu Ed., Rome, 2005, pp. 42-45
    (ISBN: 88-87017-43-3)

    Maurizio Vitta
    Monuments Today “Memorie Urbane” (Monument to the Victims of Nassiriya, Rome)
    In: l’Arca, n. 219, Nov. 2006, pp. 80-81 (ISSN 0394-2147)
    In: l’Arca International, n. 73, Nov.-Dec. 2006, p. 80-81 (ISSN 1027-460X)

    Giorgio Muratore
    In:, 2007

    Tullio Bucciarelli
    In: Didactics and Architecture – Theses in Architectural Design
    Prospettive Ed., Rome, 2007, pp. 8-9
    (ISBN: 88-89400-18-8)

    Franco Calvani
    In: Didactics and Architecture – Theses in Architectural Design
    Prospettive Ed., Rome, 2007, pp. 38-39
    (ISBN: 88-89400-18-8)

    Enrico Carbone
    In: Didactics and Architecture – Theses in Architectural Design
    Prospettive Ed., Rome, 2007, pp. 32-35
    (ISBN: 88-89400-18-8)

    Enzo Cartapati
    In: Didactics and Architecture – Theses in Architectural Design
    Prospettive Ed., Rome, 2007, pp. 16-17
    (ISBN: 88-89400-18-8)

    Paolo Colarossi
    Teaching and Experimental Research
    In: Didactics and Architecture – Theses in Architectural Design
    Prospettive Ed., Rome, 2007, pp. 10-11
    (ISBN: 88-89400-18-8)

    Carlo De Vito
    In: Didactics and Architecture – Theses in Architectural Design
    Prospettive Ed., Rome, 2007, pp. 34-37
    (ISBN: 88-89400-18-8)

    Josef March
    In: Didactics and Architecture – Theses in Architectural Design
    Prospettive Ed., Rome, 2007, pp. 34-35
    (ISBN: 88-89400-18-8)

    Mauro Miccio
    In: Didactics and Architecture – Theses in Architectural Design
    Prospettive Ed., Rome, 2007, pp. 32-33
    (ISBN: 88-89400-18-8)

    Marcello Rebecchini
    The Search for a Design Syntesis
    In: Didactics and Architecture – Theses in Architectural Design
    Prospettive Ed., Rome, 2007, pp. 14-15
    (ISBN: 88-89400-18-8)

    Franco Storelli
    A Longstanding Teaching Commitment
    In: Didactics and Architecture – Theses in Architectural Design
    Prospettive Ed., Rome, 2007, pp. 12-13
    (ISBN: 88-89400-18-8)

    Pietro Tidei
    In: Didactics and Architecture – Theses in Architectural Design
    Prospettive Ed., Rome, 2007, pp. 36-39
    (ISBN: 88-89400-18-8)

    Fabrizio Vestroni
    In: Didactics and Architecture – Theses in Architectural Design
    Prospettive Ed., Rome, 2007, pp. 8-9
    (ISBN: 88-89400-18-8)

    Lucio Passarelli
    In: Press/Tletter n. 4/2008, 2008
    Review of: Didactics and Architecture – Theses in architectural design

    Lucio Passarelli
    In: l’ARCA (in corso di pubblicazione)
    Review of: Didactics and Architecture – Theses in architectural design
    (ISSN 0394-2147)

    In: l’ARCA (under publication), 2008
    Review of: Didactics and Architecture – Theses in architectural design
    (ISSN 0394-2147)

    Sara Rossi
    In: l’Industria delle Costruzioni n. 400, March-April 2008, p. 108
    Review of: Didactics and Architecture – Theses in architectural design

    Sergio Agostini
    In: (Studio Lenci archive)
    Review of: Didactics and Architecture – Theses in architectural design

    Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi
    In: Edilizia e Territorio, n. 10, 2008, p. 3
    Review of: Didactics and Architecture – Theses in architectural design


    Didactics and Architecture – Theses in architectural design
    Author: Ruggero Lenci
    Reviewer: Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi
    In: Edilizia e Territorio, n. 10, 2008, p. 3

    Didactics and Architecture – Theses in architectural design
    Author: Ruggero Lenci
    Reviewer: Lucio Passarelli
    In: l’ARCA (under publication), 2008

    Didactics and Architecture – Theses in architectural design
    Author: Ruggero Lenci
    Reviewer: Lucio Passarelli
    (Press/Tletter n. 4/2008), 2008

    Didactics and Architecture – Theses in architectural design
    Author: Ruggero Lenci
    Reviewer: Sara Rossi
    In: l’Industria delle Costruzioni n. 400, March-April 2008, p. 108

    Didactics and Architecture – Theses in architectural design
    Author: Ruggero Lenci
    Reviewer: Sergio Agostini
    In: (Studio Lenci archive)

    Studio Passarelli - Cento anni cento progetti, Electa Milan, 2006
    Author: Ruggero Lenci
    Reviewer: Mario Antonio Arnaboldi
    In: l’ARCA, n. 215, May 2006, p. 101

    Lenci Valentin - Architettura Teorematica, Mancosu, Rome, 2005
    Author: Ruggero Lenci
    Reviewer: Mario Antonio Arnaboldi
    In: l’ARCA, n. 207, Oct. 2005, p. 101

    I.M. Pei - Teoremi spaziali, Testo e Immagine, Turin, 2004
    Author: Ruggero Lenci
    Reviewer: Mario Antonio Arnaboldi
    In: l’ARCA, n. 200, Feb. 2005, p. 101

    Massimiliano Fuksas – oscillazioni e sconfinamenti
    Author: Ruggero Lenci
    Reviewer: Marco Petreschi
    In: Ricerca e Progetto, n. 11-12, 1998, pp. 178-181


    1980 Les Halles International Competition

    1983 Tête Défense International Competition

    1983 Bioclimatic Architecture
    Castel S. Angelo, Rome

    1984 Ravenna City of Design

    1985 Venice Biennale, Ca’ Venier dei Leoni, Venice
    Venice Biennale

    1985 “Parco del Porto Navile e Manifattura Tabacchi”, Bologna

    1985 Amintore Galli Teather, Rimini

    1986 Interior design of San Paolo Bank, Turin
    Banco San Paolo, Torino

    1986 Popolo Park and Caserma Zucchi in Reggio Emilia
    Caserma Zucchi, Reggio Emilia

    1988 Urban Park in Santarcangelo di Romagna
    Santarcangelo di Romagna

    1988 Social and Sport Center, Botticino

    1988 Amedeo D’Aosta Aquare, Milan

    1989 Europan 1, Housing competition
    Paris, Pompidou Center

    1989 Europan 1, Housing competition
    Rome, In/Arch

    1989 Europan 1, Housing competition
    Milan, Europan Forum, Stelline Palace

    1990 Alexandrina Library, Egypt
    Paris, Unesco

    1990 Alexandrina Library, Egypt
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1990 Alexandrina Library, Egypt
    Egypt Academy, Rome

    1990 Matteotti Square

    1990 Restoration of the Concentration Camp of Fossoli as a National Museum, in Eternal Memory of the Victims, and as a Park

    1991 Restoration of the Concentration Camp of Fossoli as a National Museum, in Eternal Memory of the Victims, and as a Park
    In/Arch, Rome

    1991 Alexandrina Library, Egypt
    In/Arch, Rome

    1992 What kind of periphery for Romea s a Capital City
    ACER, Rome

    1992 What kind of periphery for Romea s a Capital City
    San Michele, Rome

    1993 IGI, Istituto Grandi Infrastrutture competition
    Expositions Palace, Rome

    1994 The school, the river, the city

    1994 Europan 3, housing competition

    1994 Tor Tre Teste Church, Rome
    San Michele, Rome

    1994 Europan 3, housing competition
    School of Architecture of the “Third University”, Rome

    1995 Tor Tre Teste Church, Rome
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1995 Tor Tre Teste Church, Rome
    Oratorio dei Filippini, Chiesa Nuova, Rome

    1995 What kind of periphery for Romea s a Capital City
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1995 Two residential buildings in Cestel Giubileo, Rome
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1995 “Borghetto Flaminio”, Rome
    Expositions Palace, Rome

    1996 “Borghetto Flaminio”, Rome
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1997 Santiago del Cile Square, Rome
    Casa Idea, Rome Expo

    1997 Quintel Service Center
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1997 The “Fungo”, Rome-EUR
    School of Architecture, Rome

    1998 The “Fungo”, Rome-EUR
    Italian Institute of Culture in Lebanon, Beirut

    1998 New Office Buildings for the Ministry of Defense, Rome
    Damasco, Sirya

    1998 Italia Congress Center, Rome-EUR
    Expositions Palace, Rome

    1999 New Office Buildings for the Ministry of Defense, Rome
    “Arma” Museum, Rome

    2000 Pedestrian Bridges for the Jubilee yaar in Rome
    “Risorgimento” Museum, Rome

    2000 Italia Congress Center, Rome-EUR
    Expositions Palace, Rome

    2000 Entrance to the Frasassi caves in Genga
    “San Vittore” Museum, Genga

    2001 “Science” pedestrian bridge
    House of Architecture, Board of Architects, Rome

    2001 Italia Congress Center, Rome-EUR
    House of Architecture, Board of Architects, Rome

    2001 Trasformation and Urban Renewal of San Lorenzo Urban District, Rome
    Expositions Palace, Rome

    2003 Forum Tevere, The Cultura of the River
    House of Architecture, Board of Architects, Rome

    2004 Elderly Housing, Pesaro

    2005 Lenci Valentin Designs
    House of Architecture, Board of Architects, Rome

    2005 Prototype of a Detention Facility
    San Michele, Rome

    2007 Small Railroad Stations
    House of Architecture, Board of Architects, Rome

    2007 Ravenna Moderna – Nino Manzone Architetto 1926-1996
    Santa Maria delle Croci, Ravenna


    1977 King Faisal Foundation Complex
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Pietro Gandolfi, Ruggero Lenci

    1978 CONI National Competition and Thesis: Pineto Urban Park and Sport Center
    1st Prize
    Ruggero Lenci, Roberto Richiardi

    1978 Red Clove Center
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci

    1979 National Competition for the New IRFIS Headquarters
    Ruggero Lenci (team leader)
    Roberto Richiardi

    1980 Mixed Use Development
    Atlanta, GA.
    Ruggero Lenci

    1980 Midtown Mixed Use Center
    Atlanta, GA.
    Ruggero Lenci

    1980 International Competition Les Halles
    Ruggero Lenci

    1980 Office Building Reuse
    Hartford, Connecticut
    FABRAP (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci, Tom Pardue

    1981 A & M University Stadium Expansion
    Tallahassee, FL.
    Finch-Heery (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci, among others

    1981 University of Florida Stadium Expansion
    Gainesville, FL.
    Finch-Heery (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci, among others

    1981 Columbia University Sport Center
    New York, N.Y.
    Finch-Heery (team leader)
    Roy Frangiamore, Ruggero Lenci

    1981 North Carolina University Coliseum
    Chapel Hill, N.C.
    Finch-Heery (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci, among others

    1981 U.S. Pavilion for the International Exhibition of 1982
    Knoxville, Tenn.
    FABRAP (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci

    1981 Headquarters of the Arab Navy
    FABRAP (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci, among others

    1982 Victoria County Jail
    Victoria, TX.
    Christopher Di Stefano (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci, among others

    1982 Law-Courts Expansion
    Orange, TX.
    Christopher Di Stefano (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci

    1982 Prince of Peace Parish School
    Houston TX.
    Christopher Di Stefano (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci

    1982 Hydril Industrial Building
    Houston, TX.
    Lockwood Greene (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci

    1983 International Competition for Tête Défense
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Roberto Lenci, Ruggero Lenci, Antonino Manzone, Nilda Valentin

    1983 Design-Built Competition for ENEL Office Building
    Pisa, Italy
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci, Nilda Valentin, D.A.M. di Ravenna
    With CMC of Ravenna

    1983 Bioclimatic Architecture
    Sergio Lenci (team leader),
    Roberto Lenci, Ruggero Lenci, Nilda Valentin
    Alberto Fantini (energy eng.)

    1984 Parking Deck on Tronchetto Island
    Sergio Lenci, Alberto Albertini, Ugo Camerino, Giuseppe Creazza, Plinio Danieli,
    Ruggero Lenci, Otto Tognetti, Nilda Valentin

    1984 Residential Buildings in Castel Giubileo
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci, Nilda Valentin

    1984 International Competition for La Bastille Opera House
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Barbara Cacciapuoti, Roberto Lenci, Ruggero Lenci, Antonino Manzone, Nilda Valentin

    1984 National Competition for the Standiana Area Park
    Ravenna, Italy
    1st Prize “ex-aequo”
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Roberto Lenci, Ruggero Lenci, Antonino Manzone, Nilda Valentin, D.A.M. di Ravenna

    1984 Design-Built Competition for the completion of the Muro Lucano Hospital
    Muro Lucano, Italy
    1st prize
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci, Armando Bifulco, Eugenio Masella, Raffaele Ruggiero, Nilda Valentin
    Paolo Scotto Lavina (structural eng.)
    Giuzio Constructions

    1984 Reuse of the ex Misericordia Hospital as an Housing Building
    Assisi, Italy
    Sergio Lenci, Franco Antonelli, Ruggero Lenci, Nilda Valentin

    1984 Lanzara House
    Castelluccio dei Sauri (Foggia, Italy)
    Ruggero Lenci & Nilda Valentin

    1984 Housing Units
    Lugo di Romagna, Italy
    Sergio Lenci, Ruggero Lenci, Nilda Valentin

    1984 Fabrizi Apartment Interior Design
    Ruggero Lenci & Nilda Valentin

    1984 National Competition for the Ex Tobacco Manufacture Park
    Boulogne, Italy
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Roberto Lenci, Ruggero Lenci, Nilda Valentin

    1984 National Competition for the Reuse of an existing Building as a Library
    Civita Castellana, Italy
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Bruno Agates, Roberto Lenci,
    Ruggero Lenci, Nilda Valentin

    1985 International Competition Ca’ Venier dei Leoni – “Biennale”
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci, Nilda Valentin

    1985 “Mistica II” Low Income Housing Development
    Carlo Melograni (team leader),
    Pietro Barucci, Nicola di Cagno, Giampaolo Imbrighi, Sergio Lenci,
    Tommaso Giura Longo, Ruggero Lenci

    1985 National Competition for Housing for Elderly People
    Ruggero Lenci & Nilda Valentin

    1985 National Competition for the Amintore Galli Theater
    Rimini, Italy
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Vania Baruzzi, Piero Celi, Claudio Lazzarini,
    Ruggero Lenci, Nilda Valentin

    1985 National Competition for the Interior Design of the Student Center
    Lecce, Italy
    Ruggero Lenci (team leader)
    Antonino Manzone

    1985 New CMC Headquarters
    Ravenna, Italy
    Sergio Lenci, Gino Gamberini
    Ruggero Lenci, Nilda Valentin

    1985 National Competition for the Caserma Zucchi and Popolo Park
    Reggio Emilia, Italy
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci, Nilda Valentin
    Livia Musmeci (collab.)

    1986 Car Park at Porta Moiano
    Assisi, Italy
    Sergio Lenci, Franco Antonelli
    Ruggero Lenci, Nilda Valentin

    1986 National Competition for an House for Elderly People
    Giulianova, Italy
    Ruggero Lenci (team leader)
    Roberto Lenci, Nilda Valentin

    1986 National Competition for the New Hall and Offices for San Paolo Bank
    Turin, Italy
    4th Prize
    Ruggero Lenci (team leader)
    Sergio Lenci, Nilda Valentin

    1986 National Competition for Matteotti Square
    Vicenza, Italy
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Roberto Lenci, Ruggero Lenci, Nilda Valentin

    1986 Interior Design of “Sivieri” Architectural Supplier
    Ruggero Lenci & Nilda Valentin

    1986 Interior Design of PGM Fashion Boutique
    Arezzo, Italy
    Ruggero Lenci & Nilda Valentin

    1986 Design proposal for the Department Expansion at the School of Architecture
    Ruggero Lenci

    1987 Row-Houses
    Valcanneto (Rome, Italy)
    Sergio Lenci, Roberto Lenci, Ruggero Lenci

    1987 Proposal of a citadel for 8,000 inhabitants
    Ruggero Lenci

    1987 Massimina District Urban Plan
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Bruno Agates, Barbara Cacciapuoti, Callegari, Aldo Ferri, Roberto Lenci, Ruggero Lenci,
    Antonino Manzone, Dina Riccardo, Angelo Zampolini

    1987 National Competition for a Social and Sport Center
    Botticino, Italy
    Ruggero Lenci (team leader),
    Nilda Valentin, Giulio Artegiani (consultant)

    1988 Restricted Competition for the School of Architecture Expansion
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Barbara Cacciapuoti, Ruggero Lenci
    Gianni Via (structural eng.)

    1988 Arvati-Lisanti apartment interior design
    Nilda Valentin & Ruggero Lenci

    1988 Restricted Competition for a New Hospital in Foligno
    Foligno, Italy
    Franco Antonelli (team leader)
    Sergio Lenci, Pier Maria Lugli, Marino Bonizzato,
    Ruggero Lenci, Nilda Valentin, Paolo Battaglini

    1988 National Competition for the Highway Service Area “Prenestina”
    Nilda Valentin (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci

    1989 European Competition Europan 1
    Boulogne, Italy
    Ruggero Lenci & Nilda Valentin

    1989 International Competition for the Restoration of the Concentration Camp of Fossoli
    as a National Museum, in Eternal Memory of the Victims, and as a Park
    Fossoli (Carpi, Italy)
    Ruggero Lenci (team leader)
    Nilda Valentin, Stefano Catalano, Giuseppe Massari (botanic consultant)

    1989 International Competition for the New Alexandrina Library
    Alessandria, Egypt
    Honorable Mention
    Ruggero Lenci (team leader)
    Stefano Catalano, Sergio Lenci,
    Antonino Manzone, Nilda Valentin

    1989 National Competition for the Principe Amedeo d’Aosta Railway Station Square
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci, Nilda Valentin

    1989 Italia Center 1
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci, Nilda Valentin

    1989 Italia Center 2
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci, Nilda Valentin

    1990 Restoration of the Water-Tank “Il Fungo”
    Ruggero Lenci, Antonino Manzone
    Humberto Di Giuseppe (construction manager)

    1990 National Urban Design Competition and Underground Parking in Cavour Square
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci, Nilda Valentin

    1990 Guest-Rooms for the “Cooperativa Muratori e Cementisti di Ravenna”
    Ruggero Lenci

    1990 Raspi-Serra House Interior Design
    Ruggero Lenci

    1990 “Architecture and Innovation”: Exposition at the “Chiesa Nuova” Borromini Hall
    Ruggero Lenci

    1990 National Competition: Rome and its Peripheral Areas
    Ruggero Lenci (team leader)
    Aldo Ferri, Antonino Saggio, Nilda Valentin

    1990 Welcome Center at the Marecchia Park
    Secchiano, Italy
    Vania Baruzzi, Claudio Lazzarini, Ruggero Lenci,
    Sergio Lenci, Nilda Valentin

    1990 Two Residential Buildings in Castel Giubileo
    Sergio Lenci (team leader)
    Ruggero Lenci, Nilda Valentin, Ruggero Lenci (construction manager)

    1991 Stand for the BIC at the Expo ”Intraprendere” ‘91
    Biella, Italy
    Ruggero Lenci

    1991 European Competition for an Hotel Room for Europe
    Ruggero Lenci & Nilda Valentin

    1991 European Housing Competition Europan 2
    San Lorenzo a Greve, Florence