Artists Registry

Anthony Marra Jr.

Brooklyn NY United States

    Statement of Work

    ARTIST'S STATEMENT about the art submitted

    SIZE: 14" X 17"

    One day I found myself crying ,realizing I was thinking about being stuck at Borough Hall, Cadman Plaza station downtown Brooklyn. I was on my way to class.
    Approching the doors of City Tech I heard Sirens howling from every direction. I could see people running away from the Brooklyn Bridge which is located accross from the college. Clouds of smoke were everywhere and people seemed to be dazed. Police were directing traffic away from both bridges. The Manhattan bridge is just a few blocks away. Buses diverted away from the area and the subways were closed. I didn't know what to do, I just stood there with other people not knowing what was happening. Finally the police told us that the Twin Towers were on fire. I could not believe or understand how it could be possible.
    After 5 hours we were able to go home.

    Anthony Marra Jr. Artist (718)451-2289



    Anthony Marra Jr. was born and raised in Brooklyn ,NY
    He is a person with a visual disablity and is an emerging artist.

    Returning to college at age 55. Majoring in Advertising Design. He graduated with a Bachelor of Technology in Communication Design with major in Advertising 2004 from City Tech.(New York City College of Technology)

    His desire is: by creation of art, nudging people to take better care of our lands and shores until they are beautiful again as they should be.

    On May 28,2008 he donated a picture based on Van Goth's Starry Night to the Student Support Program at City Tech College Brooklyn, that he was a part of while a student. An unveiling ceremony took place that very afternoon. Many Teachers and Students who attended were amazed that Anthony's disablity did not stop him from making that beautiful peice of work. They all had positive comments and where proud he came from their Collage.

    This showed all that anyone with a positive mindset can make a difference and inspire.