Artists Registry

Richard. Rose.

Berlin NH United States

    Statement of Work

    "All Americans were deeply affected by the events of September 11, 2001. We celebrate the efforts of a nation that is not joined because of the event, but a nation that was joined before the event. We commemorate, remind, honor, and celebrate all that this nation represents-before, during, and after the events of September 11. The true heroes and hope of America-who came to the forefront before that day, on that day, and on each day thereafter. This poem is very personal, for I love New York, and I love America. I can’t envision one without the other. The city, like the country, is not comprised of boroughs, but brothers. We wish to pay special honor to the men and women who are proudly serving America in the Armed Services, and offer this poem to bring hope, comfort, and pride to all Americans. Everywhere. Daniel Webster said that, “God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it. And, before him, it was Thomas Paine who said, “The cause of America is, in a great measure, the cause of all mankind. Had it not been for America, there had been no such thing as freedom left in the whole universe.”
    I applaud the efforts to build the Memorial, and in joining all Americans together in the cause, knowing that it will take a national labor to give birth to such a noble child."



    “The Eagle Still Flies (Under Star Spangled Skies)” was written in Dayville, Connecticut, in the winter of 2001, by writer/performer Richard.Vincent.Rose. Audiences across the United States have thrilled to his classic writings and stage presentations coming to life, whether he’s sharing his poetry, or performing as one of his historic or original characters. He is also a playwright, gifted teacher, and public speaker. Of Richard.Vincent.Rose., it has been written, “From President to Pastor, Mayor to Minister, his work has touched the hearts of the most powerful … and the most humble … men on earth. The elderly, the child, men, women, sons, daughters, husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, and friends have been touched in a remarkable way by his ability to reach the very depths of human emotion by his writing.” Mr. Rose received his Bachelor of Theology Degree from Open Bible Institute & Theological Seminary, and is currently completing studies toward his Master’s Degree. He and his wife, Carol, reside in the Great North Woods of New Hampshire, where they are managing members of Freedom Unlimited Resources, LLC, specializing in marketing. His writing is exclusively distributed through the Christian website,
    “I don’t write about tragedy or loss … I write about comfort, victory, and great gain.”