Artists Registry

Will Lutz

Columbus OH United States

    Statement of Work

    "The Day Liberty Cried"

    My name is Will Lutz. I am an ex GI. A World War 2 combatant for 18 months in the 88th Infantry Division and the 209th Artillery Battalion during the Italian campaign in the Alps. I have been married to Mary Ann for 61 years We have two sons, Dana and Kurt, and eleven grandchildren. I have been a designer and illustrator for 62 years. I was employed from 1946 to 1980 at which time I went into a business of my own. I retired in 1994. Currently, I keep busy designing many items for our church, ranging from stationery logo's, crosses, flower boxes, baptism display of banners, and candle sconces. I also paint fine art paintings, and stage scenery, as well as other subjects.

    I selected the title of my painting because I thought it express what happened on September 11th. I really think everyone in America cried. My wife and I watched the attack on TV. It was difficult to watch and believe. The three firefighters are in the midst of raising the American flag, which reminds me of the famous photo of the GI's raising our flag on Iwo Jima during World War 2.

    I had thought about doing this painting for a few years, and began by taking notes, collecting historical data on the Statue of Liberty and photographs of the attack.I found it amazing how books written on this subject differ in the way drawings and early photographs of the way the Statue looks!

    I can talk to people about wars we have been through, but they do not even know about them because they didn't experience them first hand. I pray we will never forget our patriotism. It is terrible how our nation has lost prestige and power, and we Americans don't seem to care enough about events and their aftermath, about survivors, about loss of life. We should never forget this attack on our homeland. We should never have an attitude that this does not mean anything.

    I want to have my painting in the registry because my work might just keep the memory of this horrendous happening in the minds of all who see it, and I want to thank the National September Eleventh Memorial & Museum at the World Trade Center for offering me this opportunity to be a part of this remembrance.