Artists Registry

Uwe Kraeft

Leimen Germany


    September 11

    The báses of búildings like tómbstones ór an archáic wríting
    are fáding in dúst, where héads are uníted in wáves of blóod,
    and the énd of exístence is sýmbolized by the Grécian létter ómega.

    Lóok to the móuntains of Síani where Héaven and Éarth are néar
    and Gód gave the básic láws for mánkind to kéep His péace,
    a cómmon, hóly pláce for Jéws, and Chrístians, and Múslims.

    In évening tíme of dáy, when líght and dárkness seem néar,
    the níght will sóon begín, but thén, the hópe can ríse
    that Éarth and Sún and lífe will néver énd to bé.